Package jack.plugin

Class Summary
Generator This class loads and links a JML file.
ImageContentEditor A simple set of widgets allowing to edit the serialized image content.
ImageGenerator Class allowing to generate a Serialized image of the default classes.
JackDefaultSpecEditor Control allowing to edit the default values added when clauses are not specified.
JackJml2bConfiguration This class represents a configuration extracted from the Jack plugin and used to compile, edit and prove jml files.
JackPathEditor A dialog that allows editing a list of paths.
JackPlugin Eclipse plugin for the Java Applet Correctness Kit.
JackPreferencePage This class defines the Preferences page for Jack, the Java Applets Correctness Kit.
JackPreferencePageCompiler This class implements the preference page for the compiler.
JackPreferencePageEditor This class implements the preference page for the editor.
JackPreferencePageProvers This class implements the generic preference page for the provers.
JackProjectPropertyPage Property page for Java projects.
JpovUtil Utilities for handling Jpov within the plugin.
RunnableWithError This class manages errors that can occur during an action.
ShouldGenerateImageDialog Dialog that indicates that some files need to be saved before an action could occur.
ToolbarButton Base class for toolbar buttons.