Package jml2b.exceptions

Class Summary
ErrorHandler Interface defining how errors are reported to the user.
StderrHandler A simple error handler that displays errors on stderr in the style of gcc: filename:line:message

Exception Summary
LoadException This class provides an exception that can be threw during the load of a JPO file.
ParseException Exception class used to indicate error during the parsing phase.
PogException This kind of exception is thrown when a litteral float is found in specification part a loop in pure method called is found in specification part a memory overflow occurs during the WP calculus a class concerning RuntimeException cannot be loaded during the WP calculus.
TokenException A specialisation of the ParseException class that is used when unexpected tokens are encountered.
WrongLabelException This class defines an exception that is thrown when a wrong label configuration is met, that is when after restricting possible lemma to labels, no lemmas remain.

Error Summary
InternalError Exception class used to report internal errors in Jack.