Publications of year 1992
J. Lévy Véhel.
Etat de l'Art en Géométrie Fractale.
I. Cohen.
Modèles déformables 2-D et 3-D: Application à la segmentation dimages médicales.
Thèse de sciences,
Université Paris-IX Dauphine,
Juin 1992.
G. Malandain.
Filtrage, topologie et mise en correspondance d'images médicales multidimensionnelles.
Thèse de sciences,
Ecole Centrale de Paris,
Septembre 1992.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
I. Cohen,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Using deformable surfaces to segment 3-D images and infer differential structures.
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing: Image Understanding,
H. Delingette,
M. Hébert,
and K. Ikeuchi.
Shape Representation and Image Segmentation using deformable surfaces.
Image and Vision Computing,
April 1992.
Keyword(s): journal,
A. Guéziec and N. Ayache.
Lissage et reconnaissance de courbes gauches bruitées.
Traitement du signal,
I.L. Herlin and N. Ayache.
Extraction de traits caractéristiques dans des séquences d'images échocardiographiques.
Technique et Science Informatiques,
Isabelle L. Herlin and Nicholas Ayache.
Feature Extraction and analysis methods for sequences of ultrasound images.
Image and Vision Computing,
O. Monga,
N. Ayache,
and P. Sander.
Using uncertainty to link edge detection and local surface modelling.
Image and Vision Computing,
Août 1992.
Olivier Monga,
Peter Sander,
and Nicholas Ayache.
From Voxel to Intrinsic Surface Features.
Image and Vision Computing,
J.-Ph. Thirion.
Realistic 3D Simulation of Shapes and Shadows for Image Processing.
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing,
pp 82-90,
January 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion.
Segmentation of Tomographic Data without Image Reconstruction.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
pp 102-110,
March 1992.
N. Ayache,
I. Cohen,
and I.L. Herlin.
Medical Image Tracking.
In Active Vision, Andrew Blake and Alan Yuille,
chapter 17.
MIT Press,
Note: In press.
S. Benayoun,
O. Monga,
A. Guéziec,
and N. Ayache.
Using Surface Curvatures for 3-D Image Registration.
In Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Computer Applications in Radiology (S'CAR92),
Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.,
June 1992.
G. Bertrand and G. Malandain.
A new topological segmentation of discrete surfaces.
In 2nd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 92),
pages 710-71,
May 18--23 1992.
Note: Santa Margherita, Ligure, Italy.
I. Cohen,
N. Ayache,
and P. Sulger.
Tracking Points on Deformable Objects Using Curvature Information.
In 2nd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'92),
volume 588 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy,
pages 458-466,
May 1992.
L.D. Cohen and I. Cohen.
Finite Element Methods for active contour models and balloons from 2-D to 3-D.
In Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Urbana Champaign, Illinois,
pages 592-598,
June 1992.
I. Cohen,
L.D. Cohen,
and N. Ayache.
Using Deformable Surface to Segment 3-D images and Infer Differential Structures.
In 2nd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'92),
volume 588 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy,
pages 648-652,
May 1992.
A. Guéziec and N. Ayache.
Smoothing and Matching of 3-D Space Curves.
In Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computer Vision 1992,
Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy,
May 1992.
I.L. Herlin and N. Ayache.
Features Extraction and Analysis Methods for Sequences of Ultrasound Images.
In 2nd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'92),
Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy,
Mai 1992.
I.L. Herlin,
C. Nguyen,
and Ch. Graffigne.
A Deformable Region Model using Stochastic Processes applied to Echocardiographic Images.
In Proceedings of the conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.,
15-18 Juin 1992.
I.L. Herlin,
C. Nguyen,
and Ch. Graffigne.
Stochastic Segmentation of Ultrasound Images.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
The Hague, Holland,
August 30--September 3 1992.
J. Lévy Véhel,
P. Mignot,
and J.-P. Berroir.
Multifractals, Textures, and Image Analysis.
In IEEE Conference on Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Urbana Champaign,
June 1992.
G. Malandain and G. Bertrand.
Fast characterization of 3D simple points.
In IAPR 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
The Hague, The Netherlands,
August 30 -- September 3 1992.
G. Malandain and J.-M. Rocchisani.
3D superimposition of CT and SPECT images of the brain by a mechanical based method.
In European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress,
Lisbon, Portugal,
August 1992.
Note: Also in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 19(8):624.
G. Malandain and J.-M. Rocchisani.
Registration of 3D medical images using a mechanical based method.
In IEEE EMBS satellite symposium on 3D advanced image processing in medicine,
Rennes, France,
November 2--4 1992.
O. Monga and S. Benayoun.
Using partial derivatives of 3D image to extract typical surface features.
In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR),
August 1992.
Note: The Hague, Netherland.
O. Monga and S. Benayoun.
Using partial derivatives of 3D images to extract typical surface features.
In VBC'92 Conference,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
Juin 1992.
O. Monga,
S. Benayoun,
and O. Faugeras.
From partial derivatives of 3D volumic images to ridge lines.
In IEEE Conference on Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
Urbana Champaign,
Juin 1992.
J.-M. Rocchisani,
F. Aissani,
I. Cohen,
J. Bittoun,
N. Ayache,
and Y. Pouliquen.
Visualisation 3-D de la Géométrie du segment Antérieur de l'oeil in vitro à partir d'images RMN haute résolution.
In Vème Congrés du Groupe de Recherche sur les Applications du Magnétisme en Médecine,
Mai 1992.
J.-M. Rocchisani,
I. Cohen,
F. Aissani,
J. Bittoun,
N. Ayache,
and Y. Pouliquen.
3D Analysis of the Anterior Segment of Human eye in vitro from High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
In Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
October 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion,
A. Gourdon,
O. Monga,
A. Guéziec,
and N. Ayache.
Automatic Registration of 3D Images Using Surface Curvature.
In 14th Ann. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society,
October 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion,
A. Gourdon,
O. Monga,
A. Guéziec,
and N. Ayache.
Fully Automatic Registration of 3D cat-scan images using surface curvature.
In IEEE EMBS satellite symposium on 3D Advanced Image Processing in Medecine,
November 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion,
O. Monga,
S. Benayoun,
A. Guéziec,
and N. Ayache.
Automatic Registration of 3D Images Using Surface Curvature.
In IEEE Int. Symp. on Optical Applied Science and Engineering,
July 1992.
G. Bertrand and G. Malandain.
A New Characterization of three-dimensional Simple Points.
Internal report,
E. Clergue.
Modèles Déformables à Partir du Produit Tensoriel de Fonctions Splines.
Rapport de stage,
October 1992.
I. Cohen,
N. Ayache,
and P. Sulger.
Tracking points on deformables objects.
Research report RR-1595,
February 1992.
Isaac Cohen and Laurent D. Cohen.
A Hybrid Hyperquadric Model for 2-D and 3-D Data Fitting.
Research report RR-2188,
Herve Delingette,
Martial Hébert,
and Katsuchi Ikeuchi.
Representation and Recognition of Free-Form Surfaces.
Technical report CMU-CS-92-214,
Carnegie-Mellon Univertsity,
Pittsburgh, PA,
Keyword(s): tech-report,
I. Gastambide.
Calibrage d'images IRM,.
Rapport de stage de DEA de Génie Biologique et Médical,
INRIA-Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble,
Septembre 1992.
A. Gorre.
Etude de quelques problèmes liés aux Modèles de Contours Actifs.
Technical report,
Septembre 1992.
Note: Rapport de DEA.
A. Guéziec.
Large Deformable Splines, Crest Lines and Matching.
Research report RR-1782,
October 1992.
J. Lévy Véhel.
Fractals and Integral Geometry Tools for Textures Deformation Measurement.
Research report RR-1707,
J. Lévy Véhel.
Textures Analysis using Fractal Probability Functions.
Research report RR-1706,
C. Nastar and N. Ayache.
Fast Segmentation, Tracking, and Analysis of Deformable Objects.
Research report RR-1783,
October 1992.
C. Pelou and A. State.
Calibration en reconstruction tri-dimensionelle.
Rapport de stage,
INRIA-Ecole Centrale de Paris,
Mars 1992.
Xavier Pennec.
Etude d'améliorations possibles de techniques neuro-mimétiques appliquées à la reconnaissance de caractères manuscrits.
Rapport interne,
Note: Also in Rapport de stage d'option, Ecole Polytechnique.
V. Sauclières.
Architecture d'une chaîne de traitement d'images médicales.
Rapport de stage,
Juin 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion.
The Gradient and Laplacien Filtered Back Projection Operators.
Research report RR-1787,
October 1992.
Note: (submitted to IEEE TMI).
J.-Ph. Thirion and A. Gourdon.
The 3D Marching Lines Algorithm and Its Application to Crest Lines Extraction.
Research report RR-1672,
May 1992.
J.-P. Thirion and N. Ayache.
Method and device for examining a body, particularly for tomography.
U.S. patent number 5 421 330,
March 1992.
Note: Delivery date: June 6, 1995.
J.-Ph. Thirion and N. Ayache.
Procédé et dispositif d'aide à l'inspection d'un corps, notamment pour la tomographie.
Brevet, demande d'extension internationale, numero 92 00252,
Mars 1992.
J.-Ph. Thirion,
N. Ayache,
O. Monga,
and A. Gourdon.
Dispositif de traitement d'informations d'images tri-dimensionnelles avec extraction de lignes remarquables.
Brevet français, numéro 92 03900,
Mars 1992.
Note: En cours d'examen.
E. Bardinet.
Contour actifs et approximation de surface. Contraintes différentielles dans les modèles numériques de terrain.
Rapport de DEA,
Université de Paris Dauphine,
Septembre 1992.
S. Dewez and B. Hidoine.
A l'image de l'homme.
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