Publications of Guillaume Picinbono
Guillaume Picinbono.
Modèles géométriques et physiques pour la simulation d'interventions chirurgicales.
Thèse de sciences,
université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis,
February 2001.
Articles in journal, book chapters |
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Non-Linear Anisotropic Elasticity for Real-Time Surgery Simulation.
Graphical Models,
September 2003.
Keyword(s): journal,
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Modèle déformable élastique non-linéaire pour la simulation de chirurgie en temps réel.
Les Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (CRAS), C.R. Biologies,
Keyword(s): journal,
G. Picinbono,
J-C. Lombardo,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Improving realism of a surgery simulator: linear anisotropic elasticity, complex interactions and force extrapolation.
Journal of Visualisation and Computer Animation,
July 2002.
Keyword(s): journal,
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Non-linear and anisotropic elastic soft tissue models for medical simulation.
In ICRA2001: IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation,
Seoul Korea,
May 2001.
Note: Best conference paper award.
Keyword(s): simulation,
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Real-Time Large Displacement Elasticity for Surgery Simulation: Non-Linear Tensor-Mass Model.
In Third International Conference on Medical Robotics, Imaging And Computer Assisted Surgery: MICCAI 2000,
pages 643-652,
October 2000.
Keyword(s): conference,
G. Picinbono,
J.-C. Lombardo,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Anisotropic Elasticity and Forces Extrapolation to Improve Realism of Surgery Simulation.
In ICRA2000: IEEE International Conference Robotics and Automation,
San Francisco USA,
pages 596-602,
April 2000.
Keyword(s): conference,
G. Picinbono and J.-C. Lombardo.
Extrapolation: a Solution for Force Feedback?.
In International Scientific Workshop on Virtual Reality and Prototyping,
Laval France,
pages 117-125,
June 3-4 1999.
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Improving Realism of a Surgery Simulator : Linear Anisotropic Elasticity, Complex Interactions and Force Extrapolation.
Research report RR-4018,
Keyword(s): tech-report,
G. Picinbono,
H. Delingette,
and N. Ayache.
Non-Linear Anisotropic Elasticity for Real-Time Surgery Simulation Real-time elastic deformations of soft tissues for surgery simulation.
Research report RR-4028,
Keyword(s): tech-report,
Guillaume Picinbono.
Modèle géométrique de contour déformable implicite pour la segmentation et la simulation.
Master's thesis,
université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis,
Keyword(s): thesis,
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Last modified: Fri Feb 7 00:30:04 2025
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