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Publications ~ points detection Samedi 27 juillet 2024, 02h29

Publications sur points detection

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	author = { Merlet, N. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { New Prospects in Line Detection by Dynamic Programming },
	year = { 1996 },
	month = { avril },
	journal = { IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence },
	volume = { 18 },
	number = { 4 },
	pages = { 426-431 },
	url = { },
	keyword = { Line detection, dynamic programming, energy minimization, curvature, satellite images }

	author = { Ben Hadj, S. and Blanc-Féraud, L. },
	title = { Restoration mehod for spatially variant blurred images },
	year = { 2011 },
	month = { juin },
	institution = { INRIA },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 7654 },
	url = { },
	keyword = { Deconvolution, energy minimization, spatially-variant PSF, Variation totale }

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