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Publications ~ duality lp norms Samedi 27 juillet 2024, 01h25

Publications sur duality lp norms

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	author = { Lafarge, F. and Trontin, P. and Descombes, X. and Zerubia, J. and Pierrot-Deseilligny, M. },
	title = { An automatic building extraction method : Application to the 3D-city modeling },
	year = { 2006 },
	month = { mai },
	institution = { INRIA },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 5925 },
	address = { France },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, Reconstruction en 3D, Zones urbaines, Imagerie satellitaire, Modele numerique d'elevation (MNE) }

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