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Publications ~ Champ de Phase Samedi 27 juillet 2024, 02h45

Publications sur Champ de Phase

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	author = { Joshi, S. and Srivastava, A. and Jermyn, I. H. },
	title = { Riemannian Analysis of Probability Density Functions with          Applications in Vision },
	year = { 2007 },
	month = { juin },
	booktitle = { Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) },
	address = { Minneapolis, USA },
	url = {  },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Probability density function, Metrique, Geodesic, Reparameterization }

	author = { Krylov, V. and Moser, G. and Serpico, S.B. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Dictionary-based probability density function estimation for high-resolution SAR data },
	year = { 2009 },
	month = { janvier },
	booktitle = { Proc. of SPIE (IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2009) },
	volume = { 7246 },
	pages = { 72460S },
	address = { San Jose, USA },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { SAR image, Probability density function, parametric estimation, finite mixture models, EM Stochastique (SEM) }

	author = { Krylov, V. and Moser, G. and Serpico, S.B. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Modeling the statistics of high resolution SAR images },
	year = { 2008 },
	month = { novembre },
	institution = { INRIA },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 6722 },
	url = { },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image, Probability density function, parametric estimation, finite mixture models, EM Stochastique (SEM) }

	author = { Krylov, V. and Moser, G. and Serpico, S.B. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { On the Method of Logarithmic Cumulants for Parametric Probability Density Function Estimation },
	year = { 2011 },
	month = { juillet },
	institution = { INRIA },
	type = { Research Report },
	number = { 7666 },
	url = { },
	keyword = { Probability density function, Parameter estimation, generalized gamma distribution, K-distribution, Radar a Ouverture Synthetique (SAR), Classification }

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