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Publications ~ birth and death process Samedi 12 octobre 2024, 10h54

Publications sur birth and death process

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2 Articles
1 - A Point Process for Fully Automatic Road Network Detection in Satellite and Aerial Images.
P. Cariou et X. Descombes et E. Zhizhina. Problems of Information Transmission, 10(3): pages 247-256, 2010.
Mots-clés : Marked point process, birth and death process, Road network extraction.
2 - Object Extraction Using a Stochastic Birth-and-Death Dynamics in Continuum.
X. Descombes et R. Minlos et E. Zhizhina. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 33(3): pages 347-359, 2009.
Mots-clés : birth and death process, Processus ponctuels marques, Extraction d'objets.
Copyright : Springer

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Article de conférence
1 - Object extraction from high resolution SAR images using a birth and death dynamics.
F. Arslan et X. Descombes et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, novembre 2009.
Mots-clés : High resolution SAR images, Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, birth and death process.

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Rapport de recherche et Rapport technique
1 - Object extraction using a stochastic birth-and-death dynamics in continuum.
X. Descombes et R. Minlos et E. Zhizhina. Rapport de Recherche 6135, INRIA, 2007.
Mots-clés : birth and death process, Stochastic modeling, Ondelettes.

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