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Publications sur Fonction distance signee

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	author = { Descombes, X. and Kruggel, F. and Wollny, G. and Gertz, H.J. },
	title = { An object based approach for detecting smallbrain lesions: application to Virchow-Robin spaces },
	year = { 2004 },
	month = { février },
	journal = { IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging },
	volume = { 23 },
	number = { 2 },
	pages = { 246--255 },
	pdf = { }

	author = { Descombes, X. and Kruggel, F. },
	title = { A Markov Pixon Information approach for low level image description },
	year = { 1999 },
	month = { juin },
	journal = { IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis ans Machine Intelligence },
	volume = { 21 },
	number = { 6 },
	pages = { 482-494 },
	pdf = { }

	author = { Kruggel, F. and Von Cramon, Y. and Descombes, X. },
	title = { Comparison of Filtering Methods for fMRI Datasets },
	year = { 1999 },
	month = { novembre },
	journal = { NeuroImage },
	volume = { 10 },
	number = { 5 },
	pages = { 530-543 },
	url = { }

	author = { Descombes, X. and Kruggel, F. and von Cramon, Y. },
	title = { fMRI Signal Restoration Using an Edge Preserving Spatio-temporal Markov Random Field },
	year = { 1998 },
	journal = { NeuroImage },
	volume = { 8 },
	pages = { 340-349 },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { fMRI, Restauration, Champs de Markov }

	author = { Descombes, X. and Kruggel, F. and Von Cramon, Y. },
	title = { Spatio-temporal fMRI analysis using Markov Random Fields },
	year = { 1998 },
	journal = { IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging },
	volume = { 17 },
	number = { 6 },
	pages = { 1028-1039 },
	pdf = { },
	keyword = { fMRI, Markov Random Fields }

	author = { Kruggel, F. and Chalopin, C. and Descombes, X. and Kovalev, V. and Rajapakse, J.C. },
	title = { Segmentation of Pathological Features in MRI Brain Datasets },
	year = { 2002 },
	month = { novembre },
	booktitle = { ICONIP, invited paper },
	address = { Singapore },
	url = { }

	author = { Kruggel, F. and Descombes, X. and von Cramon, Y. },
	title = { Preprocessing of fMR Datasets },
	year = { 1998 },
	month = { juin },
	booktitle = { Proc. IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysi },
	pages = { 211-220 },
	address = { Los Alamitos, USA },
	url = { }

	author = { Palubinskas, G. and Descombes, X. and Kruggel, F. },
	title = { An unsupervised clustering method using the entropy minimization },
	year = { 1998 },
	month = { août },
	booktitle = { Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) },
	address = { Brisbane, Australia },
	url = { }

	author = { Kruggel, F. and Descombes, X. and von Cramon, Y. },
	title = { Die Vorerarbeitung von fMRI-Daten },
	year = { 1998 },
	month = { mars },
	booktitle = { Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen },
	address = { Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen, Germany },
	pdf = { Articles/Vorerarbeitung.pdf }

	author = { Descombes, X. and Kruggel, F. and Lacoste, C. and Ortner, M. and Perrin, G. and Zerubia, J. },
	title = { Marked Point Process in Image Analysis : from Context to Geometry },
	year = { 2004 },
	booktitle = { International Conference on Spatial Point Process Modelling and its Application (SPPA) },
	address = { Castellon, Spain },
	pdf = { },
	ps = { },
	keyword = { RJMCMC, Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, Geometrie stochastique }

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