Publications de Ian Jermyn
Résultat de la recherche dans la liste des publications :
12 Articles |
11 - Invariant Bayesian estimation on manifolds. I. H. Jermyn. Annals of Statistics, 33(2): pages 583--605, avril 2005. Mots-clés : Estimation bayesienne, MAP, MMSE, Invariant, Metrique, Jeffrey's.
author |
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{Jermyn, I. H.}, |
title |
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{Invariant Bayesian estimation on manifolds}, |
year |
= |
{2005}, |
month |
= |
{avril}, |
journal |
= |
{Annals of Statistics}, |
volume |
= |
{33}, |
number |
= |
{2}, |
pages |
= |
{583--605}, |
url |
= |
{http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000001273}, |
pdf |
= |
{ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/ariana/Articles/jermyn_annstat05.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Estimation bayesienne, MAP, MMSE, Invariant, Metrique, Jeffrey's} |
} |
Abstract :
A frequent and well-founded criticism of the maximum em a posteriori (MAP) and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) estimates of a continuous parameter param taking values in a differentiable manifold paramspace is that they are not invariant to arbitrary `reparametrizations' of paramspace. This paper clarifies the issues surrounding this problem, by pointing out the difference between coordinate invariance, which is a em sine qua non for a mathematically well-defined problem, and diffeomorphism invariance, which is a substantial issue, and then provides a solution. We first show that the presence of a metric structure on paramspace can be used to define coordinate-invariant MAP and MMSE estimates, and we argue that this is the natural way to proceed. We then discuss the choice of a metric structure on paramspace. By imposing an invariance criterion natural within a Bayesian framework, we show that this choice is essentially unique. It does not necessarily correspond to a choice of coordinates. In cases of complete prior ignorance, when Jeffreys' prior is used, the invariant MAP estimate reduces to the maximum likelihood estimate. The invariant MAP estimate coincides with the minimum message length (MML) estimate, but no discretization or approximation is used in its derivation. |
12 - Globally optimal regions and boundaries as minimum ratio weight cycles. I. H. Jermyn et H. Ishikawa. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 23(10): pages 1075-1088, octobre 2001. Mots-clés : Graphe, Ratio, Cycle, Segmentation, Minimum global. Copyright : ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
author |
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{Jermyn, I. H. and Ishikawa, H.}, |
title |
= |
{Globally optimal regions and boundaries as minimum ratio weight cycles}, |
year |
= |
{2001}, |
month |
= |
{octobre}, |
journal |
= |
{IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, |
volume |
= |
{23}, |
number |
= |
{10}, |
pages |
= |
{1075-1088}, |
url |
= |
{http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/34.954599}, |
pdf |
= |
{ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/ariana/Articles/jermyn_tpami01.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Graphe, Ratio, Cycle, Segmentation, Minimum global} |
} |
Abstract :
We describe a new form of energy functional for the modelling and identification of regions in images. The energy is defined on the space of boundaries in the image domain, and can incorporate very general combinations of modelling information both from the boundary (intensity gradients,ldots), em and from the interior of the region (texture, homogeneity,ldots). We describe two polynomial-time digraph algorithms for finding the em global minima of this energy. One of the algorithms is completely general, minimizing the functional for any choice of modelling information. It runs in a few seconds on a 256 times 256 image. The other algorithm applies to a subclass of functionals, but has the advantage of being extremely parallelizable. Neither algorithm requires initialization. |
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46 Articles de conférence |
1 - A theoretical and numerical study of a phase field higher-order active contour model of directed networks. A. El Ghoul et I. H. Jermyn et J. Zerubia. Dans The Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Queenstown, New Zealand, novembre 2010. Mots-clés : Champ de Phase, Shape prior, Directed networks, Stability analysis, river extraction, remote sensing. Copyright : Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg
author |
= |
{El Ghoul, A. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{A theoretical and numerical study of a phase field higher-order active contour model of directed networks}, |
year |
= |
{2010}, |
month |
= |
{novembre}, |
booktitle |
= |
{The Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)}, |
address |
= |
{Queenstown, New Zealand}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/inria-00522443/fr/}, |
keyword |
= |
{Champ de Phase, Shape prior, Directed networks, Stability analysis, river extraction, remote sensing} |
} |
Abstract :
We address the problem of quasi-automatic extraction of directed networks, which have characteristic geometric features, from images. To include the necessary prior knowledge about these geometric features, we use a phase field higher-order active contour model of directed networks. The model has a large number of unphysical parameters (weights of energy terms), and can favour different geometric structures for different parameter values. To overcome this problem, we perform a stability analysis of a long, straight bar in order to find parameter ranges that favour networks. The resulting constraints necessary to produce
stable networks eliminate some parameters, replace others by physical parameters such as network branch width, and place lower and upper bounds on the values of the rest.We validate the theoretical analysis via numerical experiments, and then apply the model to the problem of hydrographic network extraction from multi-spectral VHR satellite images. |
2 - Segmentation of networks from VHR remote sensing images using a directed phase field HOAC model. A. El Ghoul et I. H. Jermyn et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium on Photogrammetry Computer Vision and Image Analysis (PCV), Paris, France, septembre 2010. Mots-clés : Champ de Phase, Shape prior, Directed networks, Road network extraction, river extraction, remote sensing. Copyright : ISPRS
author |
= |
{El Ghoul, A. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Segmentation of networks from VHR remote sensing images using a directed phase field HOAC model}, |
year |
= |
{2010}, |
month |
= |
{septembre}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium on Photogrammetry Computer Vision and Image Analysis (PCV)}, |
address |
= |
{Paris, France}, |
pdf |
= |
{https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00491017}, |
keyword |
= |
{Champ de Phase, Shape prior, Directed networks, Road network extraction, river extraction, remote sensing} |
} |
Abstract :
We propose a new algorithm for network segmentation from VHR remote sensing images. The algorithm performs this task quasi-automatically,
that is, with no human intervention except to fix some parameters. The task is made difficult by the amount of prior knowledge about network region geometry needed to perform the task, knowledge that is usually provided by a human being. To include such prior knowledge, we make use of methodological advances in region modelling: a phase field higher-order active contour of directed networks is used as the prior model for region geometry. By adjoining an approximately conserved flow to a phase field model encouraging network shapes (i.e. regions composed of branches meeting at junctions), the model favours network regions in which different branches may have very different widths, but in which width change along a branch is slow; in which branches do not
come to an end, hence tending to close gaps in the network; and in which junctions show approximate ‘conservation of width’. We also introduce image models for network and background, which are validated using maximum likelihood segmentation against other possibilities. We then test the full model on VHR optical and multispectral satellite images. |
3 - Extraction of arbitrarily shaped objects using stochastic multiple birth-and-death dynamics and active contours. M. S. Kulikova et I. H. Jermyn et X. Descombes et E. Zhizhina et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, USA, janvier 2010. Mots-clés : Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, Shape prior, Contour actif, birth-and-death dynamics. Copyright : Copyright 2010 by SPIE and IS&T. This paper was published in the proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2010 Conference in San Jose, USA, and is made available as an electronic reprint with permission of SPIE and IS&T. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.
author |
= |
{Kulikova, M. S. and Jermyn, I. H. and Descombes, X. and Zhizhina, E. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Extraction of arbitrarily shaped objects using stochastic multiple birth-and-death dynamics and active contours}, |
year |
= |
{2010}, |
month |
= |
{janvier}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging}, |
address |
= |
{San Jose, USA}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/46/54/72/PDF/Kulikova_SPIE2010.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, Shape prior, Contour actif, birth-and-death dynamics} |
} |
Abstract :
We extend the marked point process models that have been used for object extraction from images to arbitrarily shaped objects, without greatly increasing the computational complexity of sampling and estimation. From an alternative point of view, the approach can be viewed as an extension of the active contour methodology to an a priori unknown number of
objects. Sampling and estimation are based on a stochastic birth-and-death process defined on the configuration space of an arbitrary number of objects, where the objects are defined by the image data and prior information. The performance of the approach is demonstrated via experimental results on synthetic and real data. |
4 - A marked point process model with strong prior shape information for extraction of multiple, arbitrarily-shaped objects. M. S. Kulikova et I. H. Jermyn et X. Descombes et E. Zhizhina et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. IEEE SITIS, Publ. IEEE Computer Society, Marrakech, Maroc, décembre 2009. Mots-clés : Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, Shape prior, Contour actif, multiple birth-and-death dynamics.
author |
= |
{Kulikova, M. S. and Jermyn, I. H. and Descombes, X. and Zhizhina, E. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{A marked point process model with strong prior shape information for extraction of multiple, arbitrarily-shaped objects}, |
year |
= |
{2009}, |
month |
= |
{décembre}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IEEE SITIS}, |
publisher |
= |
{IEEE Computer Society}, |
address |
= |
{Marrakech, Maroc}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/43/63/20/PDF/PID1054029.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Extraction d'objets, Processus ponctuels marques, Shape prior, Contour actif, multiple birth-and-death dynamics} |
} |
Abstract :
We define a method for incorporating strong prior shape information into a recently extended Markov point process model for the extraction of arbitrarily-shaped objects from images. To estimate the optimal configuration of objects, the process is sampled using a Markov chain based on a stochastic birth-and-death process defined in a space of multiple
objects. The single objects considered are defined by both the image data
and the prior information in a way that controls the computational
complexity of the estimation problem. The method is tested via experiments
on a very high resolution aerial image of a scene composed of tree crowns. |
5 - A markov random field model for extracting near-circular shapes. T. Blaskovics et Z. Kato et I. H. Jermyn. Dans Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, novembre 2009. Mots-clés : Segmentation, Markov Random Fields, Shape prior.
author |
= |
{Blaskovics, T. and Kato, Z. and Jermyn, I. H.}, |
title |
= |
{A markov random field model for extracting near-circular shapes}, |
year |
= |
{2009}, |
month |
= |
{novembre}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, |
address |
= |
{Cairo, Egypt}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5413472}, |
keyword |
= |
{Segmentation, Markov Random Fields, Shape prior} |
} |
6 - A phase field higher-order active contour model of directed networks. A. El Ghoul et I. H. Jermyn et J. Zerubia. Dans 2nd IEEE Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment, at ICCV, Kyoto, Japan, septembre 2009. Mots-clés : Geometric prior, Forme, Higher-order actif contours, Champ de Phase, Directed networks. Copyright : ©2009 IEEE.
author |
= |
{El Ghoul, A. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{A phase field higher-order active contour model of directed networks}, |
year |
= |
{2009}, |
month |
= |
{septembre}, |
booktitle |
= |
{2nd IEEE Workshop on Non-Rigid Shape Analysis and Deformable Image Alignment, at ICCV}, |
address |
= |
{Kyoto, Japan}, |
url |
= |
{https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00409910}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/40/99/10/PDF/nordia09aymenelghoul.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Geometric prior, Forme, Higher-order actif contours, Champ de Phase, Directed networks} |
} |
Abstract :
The segmentation of directed networks is an important
problem in many domains, e.g. medical imaging (vascular
networks) and remote sensing (river networks). Directed
networks carry a unidirectional flow in each branch, which
leads to characteristic geometric properties. In this paper,
we present a nonlocal phase field model of directed networks.
In addition to a scalar field representing a region
by its smoothed characteristic function and interacting nonlocally
so as to favour network configurations, the model
contains a vector field representing the ‘flow’ through the
network branches. The vector field is strongly encouraged
to be zero outside, and of unit magnitude inside the region;
and to have zero divergence. This prolongs network
branches; controls width variation along a branch; and
produces asymmetric junctions for which total incoming
branch width approximately equals total outgoing branch
width. In conjunction with a new interaction function, it
also allows a broad range of stable branch widths. We
analyse the energy to constrain the parameters, and show
geometric experiments confirming the above behaviour. We
also show a segmentation result on a synthetic river image. |
7 - Inflection point model under phase field higher-order active contours for network extraction from VHR satellite images. A. El Ghoul et I. H. Jermyn et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Glasgow, Scotland, août 2009. Mots-clés : Geometric prior, Forme, Contour actif d'ordre supérieur, Champ de Phase, remote sensing. Copyright : EURASIP
author |
= |
{El Ghoul, A. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Inflection point model under phase field higher-order active contours for network extraction from VHR satellite images}, |
year |
= |
{2009}, |
month |
= |
{août}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)}, |
address |
= |
{Glasgow, Scotland}, |
url |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00390446/fr/}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/39/04/46/PDF/eusipco09aymenelghoul.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Geometric prior, Forme, Contour actif d'ordre supérieur, Champ de Phase, remote sensing} |
} |
Abstract :
The segmentation of networks is important in several imaging domains, and models incorporating prior shape knowledge are often essential for the automatic performance of this task. We incorporate such knowledge via phase fields and higher-order active contours (HOACs). In this paper: we introduce an improved prior model, the phase field HOAC ‘inflection point’ model of a network; we present an improved data term for the segmentation of road networks; we confirm the robustness of the resulting model to choice of gradient descent initialization; and we illustrate these points via road network extraction results on VHR satellite images. |
8 - Phase diagram of a long bar under a higher-order active contour energy: application to hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images. A. El Ghoul et I. H. Jermyn et J. Zerubia. Dans International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tampa, Florida, décembre 2008. Mots-clés : Phase diagram, Higher-order actif contours, Forme, river extraction.
author |
= |
{El Ghoul, A. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Phase diagram of a long bar under a higher-order active contour energy: application to hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images}, |
year |
= |
{2008}, |
month |
= |
{décembre}, |
booktitle |
= |
{International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)}, |
address |
= |
{Tampa, Florida}, |
url |
= |
{https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00316619}, |
pdf |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/31/66/19/PDF/icpr08aymenelghoul.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Phase diagram, Higher-order actif contours, Forme, river extraction} |
} |
Abstract :
The segmentation of networks is important in several imaging domains, and models incorporating prior shape knowledge are often essential for the automatic performance of this task. Higher-order active contours
provide a way to include such knowledge, but their behaviour can vary significantly with parameter values: e.g. the same energy can model networks or a ‘gas of circles’. In this paper, we present a stability analysis
of a HOAC energy leading to the phase diagram of a long bar. The results, which are confirmed by numerical experiments, enable the selection of parameter values for the modelling of network shapes using the energy.
We apply the resulting model to the problem of hydrographic network extraction from VHR satellite images. |
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