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Publications ~ Gilles Aubert Vendredi 7 mars 2025, 03h52

Publications de Gilles Aubert

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15 Articles
1 - On the Illumination Invariance of the Level Lines under Directed Light: Application to Change Detection.
P. Weiss et A. Fournier et L. Blanc-Féraud et G. Aubert. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 4(1): pages 448-471, mars 2011.
Mots-clés : Level Lines, topographic map, illumination invariance, Change detection, contrast equalization, remote sensing.
2 - A formal Gamma-convergence approach for the detection of points in 2-D biological images.
D. Graziani et G. Aubert et L. Blanc-Féraud. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 3(3): pages 578-594, septembre 2010.
Mots-clés : points detection, curvature-depending functionals, divergence-measure fields.
3 - Variational approximation for detecting point-like target problems.
D. Graziani et G. Aubert. COCV: Esaim Control Optimization and Calculus of Variations DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2010029, août 2010.
Mots-clés : points detection, Images biologiques, divergence-measure fields.
4 - Efficient schemes for total variation minimization under constraints in image processing.
P. Weiss et L. Blanc-Féraud et G. Aubert. SIAM journal on Scientific Computing, 31(3): pages 2047-2080, 2009.
Mots-clés : Variation totale, l1 norm, nesterov scheme, Rudin Osher Fatemi, fast optimization, real time.
Copyright : Copyright Siam Society for Industrial and Applied
5 - An approximation of the Mumford-Shah energy by a family of dicrete edge-preserving functionals.
G. Aubert et L. Blanc-Féraud et R. March. Nonlinear Analysis, 64: pages 1908-1930, 2006.
Mots-clés : Gamma Convergence, Elements finis, Segmentation.
6 - Detecting codimension-two objects in an image with Ginzburg-Landau models.
G. Aubert et J.F. Aujol et L. Blanc-Féraud. International Journal of Computer Vision, 65(1-2): pages 29-42, novembre 2005.
Mots-clés : Modele de Ginzburg-Landau, Detection de points, Segmentation, PDE, Images biologiques, Images SAR.
7 - Modeling very Oscillating Signals. Application to Image Processing.
G. Aubert et J.F. Aujol. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 51(2): pages 163--182, mars 2005.
8 - Optimal Partitions, Regularized Solutions, and Application to Image Classification.
G. Aubert et J.F. Aujol. Applicable Analysis, 84(1): pages 15--35, janvier 2005.
9 - Image Decomposition into a Bounded Variation Component and an Oscillating Component.
J.F. Aujol et G. Aubert et L. Blanc-Féraud et A. Chambolle. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 22(1): pages 71--88, janvier 2005.
10 - Gamma-convergence of discrete functionals with nonconvex perturbation for image classification.
G. Aubert et L. Blanc-Féraud et R. March. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 42(3): pages 1128--1145, 2004.

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