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Alin Achim

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Ancien Post-Doctorant, University of Bristol

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E-Mail :AlindotAchimatinriadotfr
Adresse :Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
University of Bristol, Merchant Venturers Building,
Woodland Road, Bristol BS8 1UB, UK
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plus Dernières publications dans le projet Ariana :
SAR Image Filtering Based on the Heavy-Tailed Rayleigh Model.
A. Achim et E.E. Kuruoglu et J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 15(9): pages 2686-2693, septembre 2006.
Mots-clés : Images SAR.
Maximum A Posteriori Estimation of Radar Cross Section in SAR Images using the Heavy-Tailed Rayleigh Model.
A. Achim et E.E. Kuruoglu et J. Zerubia. Dans Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Antalya, Turkey, septembre 2005.
SAR Image Filtering Based on the Heavy-Tailed Rayleigh Model.
A. Achim et E.E. Kuruoglu et J. Zerubia. Rapport de Recherche 5493, INRIA, France, février 2005.
Mots-clés : Radar a Ouverture Synthetique (SAR), Estimation MAP, Distribution alpha-stable, Transformee de Mellin.
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