Praveen Pankajakshan
Former PhD Student
Keywords : Variational methods, MCMC, Wavelets, Parameter Estimation, Deconvolution, 3D Reconstruction
Project : P2R France-Israel
Demo : see this author's demo
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| Abstract :
I am currently working on the parametric blind deconvolution of Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM) images. The CLSM is an optical fluorescence microscope that scans sections of a specimen in 3D and uses a pinhole to reject most out-of-focus light. However, the quality of confocal microscope images suffers from two basic physical limitations.
First, out-of-focus blurs due to the diffraction-limited nature of the optical microscope and secondly, the confocal pinhole drastically reduces the amount of photons detected by the photomultiplier causing poisson noise. The images produces by the CLSM can therefore benefit from post processing by deconvolution methods designed to reduce the blur and noise.
Our current goal is to develop a fast and efficient algorithm for
simultaneous estimation of the point-spread function (PSF) of the microscope and the specimen function. We realize that a good estimation of the PSF is very important for restoration of the original specimen.
However, estimation of the PSF is an undetermined problem with no known unique solution. We overcome this problem by using a physical acquisition model of the microscope and by introducing a priori knowledge about the specimen. This stabilizes the estimation procedure and helps in deciding
between candidate solutions. |
Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
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