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Sylvain Prigent

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PhD Student

motcle Keywords : Segmentation, Classification
demos Demo : see this author's demo
plus Contact :

Mail :SylvaindotPrigentatinriadotfr
Phone :(33)4-97-15-53-68
Fax :(33)4-92-38-76-43
Postal adress :INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

plus Abstract :

A hyper-spectral image consists of the same scene pictured at different wavelengths. Such an image enables to analyze an object or a scene by both, its spatial and spectral properties. The aim of my PhD, in collaboration with Galderma ( pharmaceutical company specializing in dermatology, whose shareholders are L'Oréal and Nestlé ) is to characterize skin lesions with multi and hyper-spectral images. For this, we are interested in spectral analysis and data reduction tools such as principal component analysis (PCA), independent component analysis (ICA) or projection pursuit, as well as classification tools like support vector machines (SVMs) for example.
My PhD is the following of my Master internship (from February to September 2009) which lead to 2 patents, OA09437 and OA09438, filed in November 2009 (50% INRIA, 50% Galderma).

plus Short Bio :

etoile 3 2009-2012: PhD in Ariana project (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France), in collaboration with Galderma R&D (Sophia Antipolis, France)
etoile 3 2008-2009 : Master SIPT (Signal Image Parole Telecom,), with Honours (A) - Grenoble
etoile 3 2006-2009 : Engineering school, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble , ENSIEG-ENSE3 Image and signal processing.

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
Estimation of an optimal spectral band combination to evaluate skin disease treatment efficacy using multi-spectral images.
S. Prigent and D. Zugaj and X. Descombes and P. Martel and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, September 2011.
Multi-spectral Image Analysis for Skin Pigmentation Classification.
S. Prigent and X. Descombes and D. Zugaj and P. Martel and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong-Kong, China, September 2010.
Keywords : skin hyper-pigmentation, Multi-spectral images, Support Vector Machines, Independant Component Analysis, Data reduction.
Spectral Analysis and Unsupervised SVM Classification for Skin Hyper-pigmentation Classification.
S. Prigent and X. Descombes and D. Zugaj and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing : Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2010.
Keywords : Sectral analysis, Data reduction, Projection pursuit, Support Vector Machines, skin hyper-pigmentation.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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