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These pages are deprecated ; please go to the pages of our new team EdelweissCorese query language and SPARQLAbout Applications Downloads Mailing List Documentation Tutorial ContactsCorese Query APICorese corese=new Corese("corese.properties", // the properties file to customize corese "/user/oc/home/data"); // the root dir where to find the RDF documents RDFResult res = corese.query("select ?name where ?x c:name ?name"); String[] var = res.getSelectVar(); for (Enumeration en = res.getValues(); en.hasMoreElements(); ){ CoreseGraph cg = (CoreseGraph) en.nextElement(); CoreseConcept[] value = cg.getValue(var[0]); System.out.println(var[0] + " = " + value[0].getLabel()); } Corese and SPARQLCorese interprets SPARQL queries without the following statements :
Corese Goodies
Corese may answer with a more precise RDF statement that asked by the query. For example a subproperty may be returned as a solution to a property. Corese and OWL LiteCorese interprets a subset of OWL Lite statements according to two modes :