3. Scribe User Manual -- Standard Library

3. Scribe User Manual -- Standard Library


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Standard Library

3.1 Document
3.2 Author
3.3 Chapter
3.4 Sections
3.5 Paragraph
3.6 Table of contents
3.7 Font
3.8 Ornaments
3.9 Line break
3.10 Horizontal rule
3.11 Justification
3.12 List
3.13 Enumerations
3.14 Image
3.15 Color
3.16 Frame
3.17 Figure
3.18 Special characters
3.19 Footnote
3.20 Table


1. Getting Started
2. Syntax
3. Standard Library
4. Hyperlinks and References
5. Index
6. Bibliography
7. Computer programs
8. Graphical User Interfaces
9. Customization
10. Scribe style files
11. Editing Scribe Programs
12. Compiling Scribe programs
13. Compiling Texi documents
14. Using Bibtex databases
15. Functions and Variables


Home page:Scribe


This chapter describes the forms composing Scribe texts. In XML/HTML these forms are called markups. In LaTeX they are called macros. In Scribe these forms are called functions. In this manual we will say that we call a function when a function is used in a form. The values used in a function call are named the actual parameters of the function or parameters in short. When calling a function with parameters we say that we are passing arguments to the function.

In this documentation function names are typesetted in bold face. We call a keyword argument, an argument whose identifier starts with the : character. Arguments whose identifier does not start with this character are called plain arguments or arguments in short. An optional argument is represented by a list, starting with the character "[" and ending with the character "]", whose first element is a keyword argument and the second element is the default value used if the optional argument value is not provided on a function call. Arguments that are not optional are said mandatory. If a plain argument is preceeded with a . character, this argument may be used to accumulate several values. There are two ways to pass actual arguments to a function.

  • for keyword arguments: the value of the parameter must be preceeded by the name of the argument.
  • for plain arguments: a value is provided.
Example: Let us consider the function section defined as follows:

(section :title [:number #t] [:toc #t] . body)

The argument :title is a mandatory keyword argument. The keyword arguments :number and :toc are optional. The plain argument body is preceeded with a . character so it may receive several values. All the following calls are legal section calls:

(section :title "A title" "This is the body of the section")
(section :title "A title" "This" " is" " the body of the section")
(section :title "A title" :number 3 "This" " is" " the body of the section")
(section :title "A title" :toc #f :number 3 "This" " is" " the body of the section")
(section :title "A title" :number 3 :toc #f "This" " is" " the body of the section")

3.1 Document

(document :title [:author list] . body)Scribe function

The document function defines a Scribe document. The mandatory argument :title is a Scribe expression that contains the title of the document. The argument :author is a list of authors. Each element of this list can be any Scribe expression. In particular, the element of the :author list can be value built by the function author.


(document :title "This is a Scribe document"
          :author '("Foo" "Bar" (author :name "Gee" :email "gee@nowhere.org"))
 "A body...")

3.2 Author

(author :name [:title #f] [:affiliation #f] [:email #f] [:url #f] [:address #f] [:phone #f] [:photo #f])Scribe function

The author function is used to specify the author of a Scribe document. The arguments are:

:nameThe name of the author.
:titleHis title, such as Dr., Pr., team manager.
:affiliationHis affiliation, such as a university or a company.
:emailHis email.
:urlHis web page URL.
:phoneHis phone and fax numbers.
:addressHis address.
:photoA picture (see image to create images.)

The example:

(author :name "Manuel Serrano"
        :affiliation "Inria Sophia-Antipolis"
        :url "http://kaolin.unice.fr/~serrano"
        :email "Manuel.Serrano@inria.fr"
        :address `("2004 route des Lucioles - BP 93"
                   "F-06902 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex"
        :phone "phone: (+33) 4 92 38 76 41")


Manuel Serrano
Inria Sophia-Antipolis
2004 route des Lucioles - BP 93
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis, Cedex
phone: (+33) 4 92 38 76 41

3.3 Chapter

(chapter [:title #f] [:subtitle #f] [:number #t] [:toc #t] [:file #t] [:split #f] . body)Scribe function

This function creates a new chapter of a Scribe document. Its arguments are:

:titleThe title of the chapter.
:subtitleIf the chapter has no title, it must have a subtitle. When a subtitle is preferred to a title, when rendering the chapter, the Scribe compiler will prefix the title of the current document to the chapter subtitle.
:numberThis argument controls the chapter number. A value of #t means that the Scribe compiler computes the chapter number. A value of #f means that the chapter has no number.
:tocThis argument controls if the chapter must be referenced in the table of contents.
:fileThe argument :file1 must be a boolean. A value of #t tells the Scribe compiler to compile that chapter in a separate file. A value of #f tells the Scribe compiler to embed the chapter in the main target file.
:splitThe argument :split must be a boolean. A value of #t tells the Scribe compiler that each section contained in this chapter must be emitted in a separate file. Otherwise, the sections are emitted in the file containing the chapter. Obviously, this option applies only to back-end supporting multi-file generation (such as the HTML backend).


(chapter :title "A chapter" [A chapter body.])
(chapter :subtitle "A another chapter" [Another chapter.])
(chapter :title "A last chapter" :file #f :toc #f [A chapter in the main target file.])

3.4 Sections

(section :title [:number #t] [:file #f] [:toc #t] . body)Scribe function
(subsection :title [:number #t] [:toc #t] . body)Scribe function
(subsubsection :title [:number #t] . body)Scribe function

:titleThe mandatory :title is the name of the block (e.g., the section, subsection or subsubsection)
:fileThe argument :file is only applicable to section. It has the same meaning as the :file argument of chapter.
:numberThis argument may be either a boolean or an integer. If the argument value is #t, the block number will be automatically computed by the Scribe compiler. If the argument value is #f the block won't have any number. If the argument is an integer value, the Scribe compiler sets its block counter to the provided value.
:tocThis argument specifies if the section or subsection must be referenced in the table of contents.


(section :title "A Section" [
 ,(subsection :title "A first subsection" [a body])
 ,(subsection :title "A second subsection" [
  ,(subsubsection :title "A subsubsection" :number #f [a subsubsection body])])])

3.5 Paragraph

(paragraph . body)Scribe function

This function introduces a paragraph in the output text. The newlines in the source file are not significant. That is, depending on the layout width, the Scribe compiler or the rendering engines (such as a Web browser) decide where to introduce line breaks.


(paragraph [
is the
body of the paragraph])

3.6 Table of contents

(table-of-contents [:chapter #t] [:section #t] [:subsection #f])Scribe function

The function table-of-contents displays the table of contents of a Scribe text. The table of contents may or may not display chapters and sections.

The following example:

(table-of-contents :section #f)

displays the chapters composing this user manual:

1. Getting Started
2. Syntax
3. Standard Library
4. Hyperlinks and References
5. Index
6. Bibliography
7. Computer programs
8. Graphical User Interfaces
9. Customization
10. Scribe style files
11. Editing Scribe Programs
12. Compiling Scribe programs
13. Compiling Texi documents
14. Using Bibtex databases
15. Functions and Variables

3.7 Font

(font [:size number] [:face string] body)Scribe function

the function font enables font selection in a Scribe text.

:sizeThe size of the font. The size may be relative (with respect to the current font size) or absolute. A relative font is either specified with a floating point value or a negative integer value. A positive integer value specifies an absolute font size.
:faceThe name of the font to be used.
bodyThe text the font is applied to.

The example:

 (item (font :size -2 [A smaller font.]))
 (item (font :size 6 [An absolute font size.]))
 (item (font :size 4. [A larger font.]))
 (item (font :face "Helvetica" [An helvetica example.])))


  • A smaller font.
  • An absolute font size.
  • A larger font.
  • An helvetica example.

3.8 Ornaments

(roman . body)Scribe function
(bold . body)Scribe function
(it . body)Scribe function
(emph . body)Scribe function
(underline . body)Scribe function
(kbd . body)Scribe function
(tt . body)Scribe function
(code . body)Scribe function
(var . body)Scribe function
(samp . body)Scribe function
(sc . body)Scribe function
(sf . body)Scribe function
(sup . body)Scribe function
(sub . body)Scribe function

The example:

(itemize (item (roman "a roman text."))
         (item (bold "a bold text."))
         (item (it "an italic text."))
         (item (emph "an emphasized text."))
         (item (underline "an underline text."))
         (item (kbd "a keyboard description."))
         (item (tt "a typewritter text."))
         (item (code "a text representing computer code."))
         (item (var "a computer program variable description."))
         (item (samp "a sample."))
         (item (sc "a smallcaps text."))
         (item (sf "a sans-serif text."))
         (item (sup "a superscripts text."))
         (item (sub "a subscripts text."))
         (item (underline (bold (it "an underline, bold, italic text.")))))


  • a roman text.
  • a bold text.
  • an italic text.
  • an emphasized text.
  • an underline text.
  • a keyboard description.
  • a typewritter text.
  • a text representing computer code.
  • a computer program variable description.
  • a sample.
  • a smallcaps text.
  • a sans-serif text.
  • a superscripts text.
  • a subscripts text.
  • an underline, bold, italic text.

3.9 Line break

(linebreak [num 1])Scribe function

Skip num blank lines.

3.10 Horizontal rule

(hrule [:width 1.0] [:height 1])Scribe function

Introduces an horizontal rule in the produced text.

The argument :width controls the horizontal size of the rule. A floating point number represents a percentage of the line size. Thus a value of 1. stands for the whole line width. An integer having a value greater than 1 stands for a pixel number.

The argument :height controls the line thickness. A positive integer value stands for a number of pixels.

3.11 Justification

(center . body)Scribe function
(pre . body)Scribe function
(flush [:side 'center] . body)Scribe function

These functions control the text layout. The default layout is text justification. The possible values for the :side argument are left, center or right. The example:

(center [A ,(linebreak) multilines ,(linebreak) text])
(flush :side 'left [A ,(linebreak) multilines ,(linebreak) text])
(flush :side 'right [A ,(linebreak) multilines ,(linebreak) text])
(pre [A text layout that

 linebreaks          and spaces ,(it "(into which it is still legal
to use Scribe function calls)").])





A text layout that

 linebreaks          and spaces (into which it is still legal
to use Scribe function calls).

3.12 List

(list . items)Scribe function

Constructs a list composed of the items Scribe expressions.

3.13 Enumerations

(item [:key '()] . items)Scribe function
(itemize . items)Scribe function
(enumerate . items)Scribe function
(description . items)Scribe function

The key and items arguments for item are any Scribe expression.

The items argument for itemize, enumerate and description are item expressions.

The example:

(itemize (item [A first item.])
         (item [A ,(bold "second") one.])
         (item [Lists can be nested. For instance that item contains a
           ,(tt "description"):
           ,(description (item :key (bold "foo")
                               [is a usual Lisp dummy identifier.])
                         (item :key (bold "bar")
                               [is another one.])
                         (item :key (list (bold "foo") (bold "bar"))
                               [A description entry may contain more than
                                one keyword.]))])
         (item [The last ,(tt "itemize") entry contains an ,(tt "enumerate"):
           ,(enumerate (item "One.") (item "Two.") (item "Three."))]))


  • A first item.
  • A second one.
  • Lists can be nested. For instance that item contains a description:
    is a usual Lisp dummy identifier.
    is another one.
    A description entry may contain more than one keyword.
  • The last itemize entry contains an enumerate:
    1. One.
    2. Two.
    3. Three.

3.14 Image

(image :file [:width #f] [:height #f] [:zoom #f] . comment)Scribe function

:fileThe filename where the image is stored on the disk.
:widthThe width of the image. It may be an integer for a pixel size or a floating point number for a percentage.
:heightThe height of the image. It may be an integer for a pixel size or a floating point number for a percentage.
commentA text describing the image.

The example:

(image :file "linux.gif" "A first image")
(image :height 50 :file "linux.gif" "A smaller one")
(image :file "bsd.gif" "A second image")
(image :width 50 :file "bsd.gif")
(image :width 200 :height 40 :file "bsd.gif")


A first imageA smaller oneA second image

Images are unfortunately unportable. The various output formats support different image formats. For instance, HTML supports gif and jpeg while the LaTeX back-end only supports ps. Scribe tries, only when needed, to automatically convert images to the format supported by the format of the target to be produced. For this, it uses external tools. The default Scribe translation scheme is:

  • Do not translate an image that needs no conversion.
  • Uses the fig2dev external tool to translate Xfig images.
  • Uses the convert external tools to translate all other formats.

The way Scribe converts images can be customized. See the Scribe Programming Manual.

3.15 Color

(color [:bg #f] [:fg #f] [:width #f] [:margin #f] . body)Scribe function

:bgThe optional background color.
:fgThe optional foreground color.
:widthThe percentage of the horizontal space the color box should occupy.
:marginThe margins of the box.

The example:

(center (color :bg "#eeeeee" :fg "blue" :width 0.3 :margin 10 (p [This is an
example of color box that uses a color for the 
background ,(emph "and") the foreground. It also specifies
a width, that is, an horizontal space, the text should 
span to.])))


This is an example of color box that uses a color for the background and the foreground. It also specifies a width, that is, an horizontal space, the text should span to.

3.16 Frame

(frame [:width #f] [:margin #f] . body)Scribe function

:widthThe percentage of the horizontal space the frame should occupy.
:marginThe margins of the frame.

The example:

(center (frame :width 0.3 :margin 10 (p [This is a frame.])))


This is a frame.

3.17 Figure

(figure :legend [:id #f] [:number #f] [:multicolumns #f] . body)Scribe function

:legendA mandatory argument that is the figure legend.
:markAn optional argument which is an identifier (a character string) that may be used to refer to that figure (see the ref function).
:numberIf the optional argument :number is a number, that number is used as the new Scribe compiler figure counter. If it is #t the compiler automatically sets a number for that figure. If it is #f the figure is numberless.
:multicolumnsA boolean that indicates, for back-ends supporting multi-column rendering (e.g., TeX), if the figure spans over all the columns.
bodyThe body of the figure.

The example:

(center (figure :legend "This is a numbered figure" :id "daemon" (image :file "bsd.gif")))

(center (figure :legend "This is an unnumbered figure" :number #f (image :file "linux.gif")))


Fig. 1: This is a numbered figure

This is an unnumbered figure

3.18 Special characters

(char val)Scribe function

Introduces a character in the produced document. The purpose of this function is to introduce escape characters or to introduce characters that cannot be typesetted in the document (for instance because the editors does not support them). The escapes characters are [, ] and ;.

charA representation of the character to be introduced. This can be:
  • A integer, which is the code of the character.
  • A character.
  • A string of one length 1.

(copyright)Scribe function
(euro)Scribe function
(sect)Scribe function
(space)Scribe function
(tab)Scribe function
(langle)Scribe function
(rangle)Scribe function

These functions introduce special characters in the output text. The example:

(itemize (item [The copyright sign: ,(copyright)])
         (item [The character whose code is 65: ,(char 65)])
         (item [The semi-comma character: ,(char 59)])
         (item [The right angle character: ,(char 93)]))


  • The copyright sign: ©
  • The character whose code is 65: A
  • The semi-comma character: ;
  • The right angle character: ]

3.19 Footnote

(footnote :note [:number #f] . body)Scribe function

The argument :note is the text that must appear in the footnote. The body is the text for which the footnote is attached. The optional argument :number can be used to set the Scribe compiler footnote counter to a user value. The example:

(footnote :note [And a great one!]  [Scheme is a programming language.])


Scheme is a programming language.2

3.20 Table

(table [:border #f] [:width #f] [:cellpadding 0] [:cellspacing -1] . rows)Scribe function

:borderIf the :border value is an integer, that number specifies the border width of the table.
:widthIf the :width value is an integer, it specifies the pixel width of the table. If it is a floating pointer number it is the percentage of the horizontal space the table will expand to. If no :width value is provided the table expands if needed.
:cellpaddingA number of pixels around each cell.
:cellspacingAn optional number of pixels used to separate each cell of the table. A negative uses the back-end default.
rowsThe rows of the table. Each row must be constructed by the tr Scribe function.

(tr [:bg #f] . cells)Scribe function

:bgThe background color of the table row.
cellsThe cells of the table row. Each cell must be constructed with either a table data introduced by the td Scribe function or a table header, introduced by the th Scribe function.

(td [:width #f] [:align "center"] [:valign "center"] [:bg #f] [:rowspan 1] [:colspan 1] . body)Scribe function
(th [:width #f] [:align "center"] [:valign "center"] [:bg #f] [:rowspan 1] [:colspan 1] . body)Scribe function

:widthThe width of the table row cell. The value can be an integer or a floating point number.
:alignThe horizontal alignment of the cell. The value can be "center", "left" or "right".
:valignThe vertical alignment of the cell. The value can be "top", "center", "bottom".
:bgThe background color of the cell.
:rowspanThe number of rows that the cell expands to.
:colspanThe number of columns that the cell expands to.
bodyThe text of the cell.

The example:

 (table :border 1 :width 0.5
        (tr :bg "#cccccc" (th :align 'center :colspan 3 "The table title"))
        (tr (th "Col 1") (th "Col 2") (th "Col 3"))
        (tr (td :align 'center "10") (td "-20") (td "30"))
        (tr (td :align 'right :rowspan 2 :valign 'center "12") (td "21"))
        (tr (td :align 'center :colspan 2 "1234") (td))
        (tr (td :align 'center :colspan 2 "1234") (td :align 'right "5"))
        (tr (td :align 'center :colspan 1 "1") (td :colspan 2 "2345"))))


The table title
Col 1Col 2Col 3

1: The chapter :file argument is only used by the Scribe HTML back-end.

2: And a great one!

This page has been generated by Scribe.
Last update Wed Dec 18 09:23:02 2002