

[Chaves etal., 2010b]
Chaves, M., Tournier, L., and Gouzé, J. L. (2010b). Comparing Boolean and piecewise affine differential models for genetic networks. Acta Biotheoretica, 58(2):217–232.

[Farcot and Gouzé, 2010a]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2010a). Limit cycles in piecewise-affine gene network models with multiple interaction loops. International Journal of Systems Science, 41(1):119–130.

[Ndiaye etal., 2010]
Ndiaye, I., Chaves, M., and Gouzé, J. L. (2010). Oscillations induced by different timescales in signal modules regulated by slowly evolving protein-protein interactions. IET Systems Biology, 4(4):263–276.

[Serhani etal., 2010]
Serhani, M., Gouzé, J.-L., and Raissi, N. (2010). Dynamical study and robustness for a nonlinear wastewater treatment model. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12:487–500.
[Moisan etal., 2009]
Moisan, M., Bernard, O., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2009). Near optimal interval observers bundle for uncertain bioreactors. Automatica, 45:291–295.
[Farcot and Gouzé, 2009]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2009). Periodic solutions of piecewise affine gene network models: the case of a negative feedback loop. Acta Biotheoretica. 57(4):429–455.
[Farcot and Gouzé, 2008]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008). A mathematical framework for the control of piecewise affine models of gene networks. Automatica, 44:2326--2332.
[Gouzé and Lemesle, 2008]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Lemesle, V. (2008). Two simple growth models in the chemostat. ARIMA, 9:145–155.
[Lemesle and Gouzé, 2008]
Lemesle, V. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008). A simple unforced oscillatory growth model in the chemostat. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 70:344--357. (preliminary version)

[Mailleret etal., 2008]
Mailleret, L., Gouzé, J.-L., and Bernard, O. (2008). Global stabilization of a class of partially known positive systems. Automatica, 44:2128--2134.
[Tournier and Gouzé, 2008a]
Tournier, L. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008a). Hierarchical analysis of piecewise affine models of gene regulatory networks. Theory in Biosciences, 127:125--134.
[Batt etal., 2007]
Batt, G., de Jong, H., Geiselmann, J., Gouzé, J.-L., Page, M., Ropers, D., Sari, T., and Schneider, D. (2007). Analyse qualitative de la dynamique de réseaux de régulation génique par des modèles linéaires par morceaux. TSI Technique et Science Informatiques, 26:11--46. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé and Robledo, 2006]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Robledo, G. (2006). Robust control for an uncertain chemostat model. Internat. J. Robust Nonlinear Control, 16(3):133--155. (preliminary version)
[Casey etal., 2006a]
Casey, R., de Jong, H., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2006a). Piecewise-linear models of genetic regulatory networks: Equilibria and their stability. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 52:27--56.
 (preliminary version)
[Gouzé and Robledo, 2005a]
        Gouzé, J. and Robledo, G. (2005a). Feedback control for nonmonotone competition models in the chemostat. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 6:671--690. (preliminary version)

[Lemesle and Gouzé, 2005a]
        Lemesle, V. and Gouzé, J. L. (2005a). A biochemically based structured model of phytoplankton growth in the chemostat. Ecological Complexity, 2:21--33. (preliminary version)

[Lemesle and Gouzé, 2005b]
        Lemesle, V. and Gouzé, J. L. (2005b). An hybrid bounded error observer for uncertain bioreactor models. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 27:311--318. (preliminary version)

[L.Mailleret etal., 2005]
        L.Mailleret, Gouzé, J.-L., and Bernard, O. (2005). Nonlinear control for algae growth models in the chemostat. Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering, 27:319--327 (preliminary version)
[Bernard and Gouzé, 2004]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2004). Closed loop observers bundle for uncertain biotechnological models. J. Process Control, 14:7:765--774.  (preliminary version)
[deJong etal., 2004]
de Jong, H., Gouzé, J.-L., Hernandez, C., Page, M., Sari, T., and Geiselmann, H. (2004). Qualitative simulation of genetic regulatory networks using piecewise-linear models. J. Math. Biol, 66:301--340. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé and Sari, 2003]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Sari, T. (2003). A class of piecewise linear differential equations arising in biological models. Dynamical systems, 17:299--316. (preliminary version)

[Rapaport and Gouzé, 2003]
Rapaport, A. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2003). Parallelotopic and practical observers for nonlinear uncertain systems. Int. Journal. Control, 76:237--251  (preliminary version)

[Arino etal., 2002]
Arino, J., Gouzé, J.-L., and Sciandra, A. (2002). A discrete, size-structured model of phytoplankton growth in the chemostat. Introduction of non constant cell division. J. Math. Biol., 45:313--33. (preliminary version)

[Arino and Gouzé, 2002]
Arino, J. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2002). A size-structured, non conservative ODE model of the chemostat. Mathematical Biosciences, 177-178:127--145. (preliminary version)

[Bernard and Gouzé, 2002]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2002). Global qualitative behavior of a class of nonlinear biological systems: application to the qualitative validation of phytoplankton growth models. Artif. Intel., 136:29--59. (preliminary version)

[Hadj-Sadok and Gouzé, 2001]
Hadj-Sadok, M. Z. and Gouzé, J. L. (2001). Estimation of uncertain models of activated sludge process with interval observers. Journal of Process Control, 11(3):299--310. (preliminary version)

[Karama etal., 2001]
Karama, A., Bernard, O., Gouzé, J., Benhammou, A., and Dochain, D. (2001). Hybrid neural modelling of an anaerobic digester with respect to biological constraints. Wat. Sci. Technol., 43(7):1--8.

[Touzeau and Gouzé, 2001]
Touzeau, S. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2001). Regulation of a fishery: from a local optimal control problem to an ``invariant domain'' approach. Natural Resource Modeling, 14(2):311--333.  (preliminary version)

[Gouzé etal., 2000]
Gouzé, J. L., Rapaport, A., and Hadj-Sadok, Z. (2000). Interval observers for uncertain biological systems. Ecological modelling, 133:45--56. (preliminary version)

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1999]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1999). Nonlinear qualitative signal processing for biological systems: application to the algal growth in bioreactors. Mathematical Biosciences, 157:357--372. (preliminary version)

[Touzeau and Gouzé, 1998]
Touzeau, S. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1998). On the stock-recruitment relationships in fish population models. Environmental modelling and assessment, 3:87--93. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé, 1998]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1998). Positive and negative circuits in dynamical systems. Journal Biol. Syst., 6(1):11--15. (preliminary version)

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1996]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1996). Transient behavior of biological models as a tool of qualitative validation- Applications to the Droop model and to a N-P-Z-model. Journal of Biological Systems, 4(3):303--314.

[Gouzé, 1995]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1995). Positivity, space scale, and convergence towards the equilibrium. Journal of Biological Systems, 3(2):613--620.  (preliminary version)

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1995b]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1995b). Transient behavior of biological loop models, with application to the Droop model. Mathematical Biosciences, 127:19--43. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé and Hadeler, 1994]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Hadeler, K. P. (1994). Order intervals and monotone flow. Nonlinear World, 1:23--34.(pdf scan, very big...)

[Gouzé, 1993a]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1993a). Global behaviour of Lotka-Volterra systems. Mathematical Biosciences, 113:231--243. (preliminary version)

[Sciandra etal., 1990]
Sciandra, A., Gouzé, J.-L., and Nival, P. (1990). Modelling the reproduction of centropages typicus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in a fluctuating food supply. Journal of Plankton Research, 12:549--572.

[Bourgeois etal., 1986]
Bourgeois, J., Toutant, M., Gouzé, J.L, and Changeux, J.P (1986). Effect of activity on the selective stabilization of the motor innervation of fast muscle posterior latissimus dorsi from chick embryo. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 4(5):415--430.

[Gouzé and Vignard, 1984]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Vignard, P. (1984). Edora : un système intelligent d'aide à la modélisation en biologie. AMSE Review, 2(3):9--26.

[Gouzé etal., 1983]
Gouzé, J.-L., Lasry, J.-M., and Changeux, J.-P. (1983). Selective stabilization of muscle innervation during development : a mathematical model. Biological Cybernetics, 46(3):207--216.

Book chapters

[Gouzé and Chaves, 2010]
Gouzé, J. L. and Chaves, M. (2010). Piecewise affine models of regulatory genetic networks: review and probabilistic interpretation. In Lévine, J. and Müllhaupt, P., editors, Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems, with Physical Modelling, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol. 407. Springer.
[Bernard and Gouzé, 2008]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008). Bioprocess Control, chapter State estimation for bioprocesses, pages 79--114. Wiley, Hoboken.
[Tournier and Gouzé, 2008b]
Tournier, L. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008b). Qualitative stability patterns for lotka-volterra systems on rectangles. In Egerstedt, M. and Mishra, B., editors, Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control HSCC 08, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS) 4981, pages 662--665. Saint-Louis, USA, Springer-Verlag.
[Grognard etal., 2007]
Grognard, F., Gouzé, J.-L., and de Jong, H. (2007). Piecewise-linear models of genetic regulatory networks: theory and example. In Queinnec, I., Tarbouriech, S., Garcia, G., and Niculescu, S., editors, Biology and control theory: current challenges, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (LNCIS) 357, pages 137--159. Springer-Verlag (preliminary version)
[Farcot and Gouzé, 2007]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J. (2007). Piecewise constant feedback control of piecewise affine gene network models. In Bemporad, A., Bicchi, A., and Buttazzo, G., editors, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control HSCC 07, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS) 4416, pages 688--692. Pisa, Italy, Springer-Verlag (preliminary version)
[Casey etal., 2007]
Casey, R., de Jong, H., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2007). Stability of equilibria for hybrid models of genetic regulatory networks. In Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F., Loria, A., Panteley, E., and Laghrouche, S., editors, Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control, ISTE. Hermes Science, Paris.
[Batt etal., 2006]
Batt, G., Casey, R., de Jong, H., Geiselmann, J., Gouzé, J.-L., Page, M., Ropers, D., Sari, T., and Schneider, D. (2006). Qualitative analysis of the dynamics of genetic regulatory networks using piecewise-linear models. In Pecou, E., Martinez, S., and Maass, A., editors, Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biology, pages 206--239. Editions Hermann, Paris.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 2006]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2006). State estimation. In Dochain, D., editor, Automatic Control of Bioprocesses, ISTE, chapter 4, pages 87--120. Hermes Science, Paris.
[Bernard and Gouzé, 2001]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2001). Estimation d'état, chapter 4, pages 87--120. Automatique des bioprocédés. Hermes Science, Paris.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 2002]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2002). State estimation for bioprocesses. In A.Agrachev, editor, Mathematical Control Theory, pages 813--855, Trieste. ICTP.


[Chaves etal., 2010a]
Chaves, M., Farcot, E., and Gouzé, J. L. (2010a). Transition probabilities for piecewise affine models of genetic networks. In Proc. Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS’10), Budapest, Hungary.

[Chaves and Gouzé, 2010]
Chaves, M. and Gouzé, J. L. (2010). Qualitative control of genetic networks: the bistable switch example. In Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Symp. (NOLCOS’10), Bologna, Italy.

[Farcot and Gouzé, 2010b]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J. L. (2010b). Qualitative control of periodic solutions in piecewise affine models of genetic networks. In Proc. IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Symp. (NOLCOS’10), Bologna, Italy.

[Benoit and Gouze, 2009]
Benoit, E. and Gouze, J.-L. (2009). An algorithmic approach to orders of magnitude in a biochemical system. In Bru, R., editor, International Symposium on Positive Systems: Theory and Applications (POSTA 2009), Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. Springer Verlag.
[Moisan etal., 2008a]
Moisan, M., Bernard, O., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008a). High/low gain bundle of observers: application to the input estimation of a bioreactor model. In Proceedings of the IFAC conference. Seoul, Korea.

[Ndiaye etal., 2008]
Ndiaye, I., Chaves, M., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2008). Study and parameter identification of a model coupling cell signaling and gene expression. In Proc. 16th Mediterranean Conf. Control and Automation (MED'08), Ajaccio, France.
[Moisan etal., 2007a]
Moisan, M., Bernard, O., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2007a). Near optimal interval observers bundle for uncertain bioreactors. In Proceedings of 9th European Control Conference. Kos, Greece.

[Moisan etal., 2007b]
Moisan, M., Bernard, O., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2007b). Robust estimation using direct--reverse time interval observers: Application to an industrial bioreactor. In Proceedings of the STIC et Environnement conference. Lyon, France.
[Ropers etal., 2007]
Ropers, D., de Jong, H., Gouzé, J.-L., Page, M., Schneider, D., and Geiselmann, J. (2007). Piecewise-linear models of genetic regulatory networks: Analysis of the carbon starvation response in escherichia coli. In Deutsch, A., Brusch, L., Byrne, H., de Vries, G., and Herzel, H.-P., editors, Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume I (Proceedings of the European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB) 2005)., pages 85--98. Birkhaüser, Boston.
[Gouzé etal., 2006a]
Gouzé, J.-L., Moisan, M., and Bernard, O. (2006a). A simple improvement of interval asymptotic observers for biotechnological processes. In Proceedings of the ROCOND 2006 conference. Toulouse, France.

[Gouzé etal., 2006b]
Gouzé, J.-L., Moisan, M., and Bernard, O. (2006b). Simple interval observers for biotechnological processes. In Proceedings of the ISCCSP 2006 conference. Marrakech, Morocco.

[Gouzé and Robledo, 2006]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Robledo, G. (2006). Feedback control for competition models with mortality in the chemostat. In Proceedings of the CDC conference. San Diego, USA.
[Casey etal., 2006b]
Casey, R., de Jong, H., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2006b). Stability of equilibria for hybrid models of genetic regulatory networks. In Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F., Loria, A., Panteley, E., and Laghrouche, S., editors, Taming Heterogeneity and Complexity of Embedded Control, ISTE. Hermes Science, Paris.
[Casey etal., 2005b]
Casey, R., de Jong, H., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2005b). Stability of equilibria for piecewise-linear models of genetic regulatory networks. In Proceedings of the CDC ECC conference. Sévilla, Spain. (preliminary version
[Grognard and Gouzé, 2005]
Grognard, F. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2005). Positive control of lotka-volterra systems. In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress. Prague, Czech Republic. (preliminary version
[Bernard and Gouzé, 2004b]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2004b). Closed loop observers bundle for uncertain biotechnological models. In Proceedings of CAB9. Nancy, F.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 2004c]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2004c). Multi-observateurs en boucle fermée pour des modèles biotechnologiques mal connus. In Proceedings of the CIFA conference. Douz, Tunisia.

[Lemesle and Gouzé, 2004]
Lemesle, V. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2004). Growth models for cells in the chemostat. In Proceedings of MTNS. Leuwen, Belgium.

[Robledo and Gouzé, 2004]
Robledo, G. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2004). Positive control for competition models with inhibition in the chemostat. In Proceedings of MTNS. Leuwen, Belgium.

[Gouzé, 2003]
Gouzé, J.-L. (2003). Differential systems with positive variables. In First International Symposium on Positive Systems: Theory and Application. (preliminary version)

[Mailleret etal., 2003]
Mailleret, L., Gouzé, J.-L., and Bernard, O. (2003). Nonlinear control for algae growth models in the chemostat. In European Control Conference 03.

[Lemesle and J-L.Gouzé, 2002]
Lemesle, V. and J-L.Gouzé (2002). Structured cell growth models in a chemostat. In 5th European Conference for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Milan Research Centre for Applied and Industrial Mathematics.

[deJong etal., 2002a]
de Jong, H., Gouzé, J.-L.      , Hernandez, C., Page, M., Sari, T., and Geiselmann, H. (2002a). Dealing with discontinuities in the qualitative simulation of genetic regulatory networks. In van Harmelen, F., editor, Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Artifical Intelligence, ECAI 2002, pages 412--416, Amsterdam. IOS Press.

[deJong etal., 2002b]
de Jong, H., Gouzé, J.-L., Hernandez, C., Page, M., Sari, T., and Geiselmann, H. (2002b). Dealing with discontinuities in the qualitative simulation of genetic regulatory networks. In Agell, N. and Ortega, J., editors, Working Notes of 16th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, QR 2002, pages 67--74, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.

[deJong etal., 2002c]
de Jong, H., Gouzé, J.-L., Hernandez, C., Page, M., Sari, T., and Geiselmann, H. (2002c). Hybrid modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory networks. In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC-03).

[Fruchard etal., 2002]
Fruchard, M., Bernard, O., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2002). Interval observers with confidence levels. Application to the activated sludge process. In Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, pages CD--ROM. Barcelona, Spain.

[Lemesle and J-L.Gouzé, 2001]
Lemesle, V. and J-L.Gouzé (2001). A bounded error observer for a class of bioreactor models. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Applications in Biotechnology, Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes. Quebec, 24-27 June.

[J-L.Gouzé and Lemesle, 2001]
J-L.Gouzé and Lemesle, V. (2001). A bounded error observer with adjustable rate for a class of bioreactor models. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference, ECC 2001. Porto, Portugal, 5-7 Sept.

[Rapaport and Gouzé, 2001]
Rapaport, A. and Gouzé, J. (2001). Polytopic observers for nonlinear uncertain systems. In Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium. St-Petersburg, Russia, 4--6 July.

[Vatcheva etal., 2001a]
Vatcheva, I., Bernard, O., deJong, H., Gouzé, J.-L., and Mars, N. (2001a). Discrimination of semi-quantitative models by experiment selection: method and application in population biology. In Proceedings of the IJCAI conference. Washington, U.S. 4-10 Aug.

[Vatcheva etal., 2001b]
Vatcheva, I., Bernard, O., deJong, H., Gouzé, J.-L., and Mars, N. (2001b). Discrimination of semi-quantitative models by experiment selection: method and application in population biology. In Proceedings of the Qualitative Reasoning conference. San Antonio, U.S. 17-19 May.

[Bernard etal., 2000]
Bernard, O., Hadj-Sadok, Z., and Gouzé, J.-L. (2000). Observers for the biotechnological processes with unknown kinetics. application to wastewater treatment. In Proceedings of CDC 2000. Sydney, Australia.

[Gouzé etal., 2000]
Gouzé, J.-L., Bernard, O., and Hadj-Sadok, Z. (2000). Observers with modelling uncertainties for the wastewater treatment processes. In Actes du colloque Automatique et Environnement. Nancy, France.

[Gouzé, 2000]
Gouzé, J.-L. (2000). Dynamical behaviour of Lotka-Volterra systems. In Proceedings of the MTNS. Perpignan, France. (preliminary version)

[Karama etal., 2000a]
Karama, A., Bernard, O., Gouzé, J.-L., Benhammou, A., and Dochain, D. (2000a). Hybrid neural modelling of an anaerobic digester with respect to biological constraints. In Proceedings of IAWQ. Paris, France.

[Karama etal., 2000b]
Karama, A., Bernard, O., Gouzé, J.-L., Genovesi, A., A.Benhammou, Dochain, D., and Steyer, J.-P. (2000b). Constraint integration in hybrid neural modelling: example of an anaerobic wastewater treatment process. In Proceedings of CIMASI. Casablanca, Maroc.

[Rapaport and Gouzé, 1999]
Rapaport, A. and Gouzé, J. (1999). Practical observers for uncertain affine outputs injection systems. In Proceedings of ECC99 (CDROM). Karlsruhe, Germany.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1998a]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1998a). Nonlinear qualitative signal processing for monitoring biological systems: application to the phytoplankton growth in bioreactors. In From Sensors To Decision Support Systems in Agriculture, Food-Industry and Environment, (CDROM). Montpellier, France, February 23-27.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1998b]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1998b). Qualitative dynamics of a class of nonlinear biological systems: application to structural validation of phytoplankton growth models. In Proceedings of the Conference on System Structure and Control, pages 795--800. Nantes, France, July 8-10.

[Hadj-Sadok and Gouzé, 1998a]
Hadj-Sadok, M. Z. and Gouzé, J. L. (1998a). Bounds estimation for uncertain models of wastewater treatment. In IEEE International Conf. on Control and Applications, (CDROM). Trieste, Italy.

[Hadj-Sadok and Gouzé, 1998b]
Hadj-Sadok, M. Z. and Gouzé, J. L. (1998b). Interval observers for uncertain models of wastewater treatment processes. In CONTROLO'98 3rd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, (CDROM). Coimbra, Portugal.

[Hadj-Sadok etal., 1998]
Hadj-Sadok, M. Z., Gouzé, J. L., and Rapaport, A. (1998). Interval observers for uncertain models of activated sludge processes. In Waste Decision 98, International Workshop on Decision and Control in Waste Bio-Processing, (CDROM). Narbonne, France.

[Hadj-Sadok and Gouzé, 1999]
Hadj-Sadok, M. Z. and Gouzé, J. L. (1999). Comparison between two interval observers for wastewater treatment models. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference ECC99 (CDROM). Karlsruhe, Germany.

[Touzeau and Gouzé, 1997b]
Touzeau, S. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1997b). Une modélisation du recrutement. In Blasco, F., editor, Tendances nouvelles en modélisation pour l'environnement. Elsevier.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1997b]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1997b). Global qualitative validation of biological models : application to the modeling of phytoplankton growth. In Sydow, A., editor, Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, volume 2, pages 771--777. Berlin, August.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1997c]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1997c). Nonlinear qualitative signal processing for monitoring biological systems: application to the phytoplankton growth in bioreactors. In Farkas, I., editor, Proceedings of the second International Symposium on mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural and Bio-Industries, pages 185--190. Budapest, Hungary, May 7-9, 1997.

[Gouzé, 1997a]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1997a). Des critères logiques pour construire les modèles : application aux réseaux trophiques. In Blasco, F., editor, Tendances nouvelles en modélisation pour l'environnement. Elsevier.  (preliminary version)

[Gouzé, 1997b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1997b). Stability of a class of nonlinear stirred tank reactors. In Bastin, G. and Gevers, M., editors, Proceedings of ECC97 (European conference on control). Bruxelles, July. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé, 1996a]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1996a). Des critères logiques pour construire les modèles : application aux réseaux trophiques. In Weil, A., editor, Actes des journées du programme Environnement, Vie et Sociétés. La Villette, Paris, 15-17 janvier.

[Gouzé, 1996b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1996b). Global stabilisation of a class of non-linear systems by a positive control. In de Carvalho, J. M., editor, Proceedings of the Second Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, pages 491--494.

[Touzeau and Gouzé, 1995]
Touzeau, S. and Gouzé, J. (1995). A propos des relations stock-recrutement. In Briand, F., editor, Rapport du XXXIVe Congrès de la CIESM (Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée). La Valette, Malte, 27-31 mars.

[Gouzé, 1994a]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1994a). Global stabilization of n-dimensional population models by a positive control. In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 1335--1336. Orlando , USA, dec 94. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé, 1994b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1994b). Positivity, space scale, and convergence towards the equilibrium. In Auger, P. and Demongeot, J., editors, Second European Conference on Mathematics applied to Biology and Medicine. Lyon, dec. 93, Wuertz.

[Gouzé, 1994c]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1994c). Structure des modèles en biologie. In Vérine, H., editor, La Biologie Théorique à Solignac, pages 27--40, Paris. Actes du colloque de Solignac 1988, Polytechnica.

[Gouzé, 1993]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1993). Causal structures of mathematical models in biology. In Demongeot, J. and Capasso, V., editors, Proceedings of the First European Conference of Mathematics applied to Biology and Medicine, pages 387--393. Wuerz.

[Gouzé, 1993b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1993b). Global behaviour of polynomial differential systems in the positive orthant. In Perello, C., Simo, C., and Sola-Morales, J., editors, International Conference on Differential Equations, pages 561--567. Barcelone, août 91, World Scientific.

[Gouzé, 1992a]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1992a). Behaviour at infinity of Lotka-Volterra systems. In Arino, O. and Kimmel, M., editors, 3rd International conference on mathematical population dynamics. Pau, mai 1992

[Gouzé, 1992b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1992b). Global behaviour in asymmetric continuous neural networks. In Aleksander, I., editor, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pages 441--444, Brighton. Elsevier.

[Gouzé, 1992c]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1992c). Transformation of polynomial systems in the positive orthant. In Kimura and Kodama, editors, Proceedings of the MTNS-91, pages 87--93. Kobe, Japon, MITA Press. (preliminary version)

[Gouzé, 1990d]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1990d). Stabilisation globale de systèmes non-linéaires par un contrôle positif. In Bensoussan, A. and Lions, J., editors, Analysis and Optimization of systems, pages 324--331. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 144, Springer-Verlag.

[Gouzé, 1988b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1988b). Structure des modèles mathématiques en biologie. In Bensoussan, A. and Lions, J., editors, Analysis and optimisation of systems, pages 1152--1163. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 111, Springer-Verlag.
[Gouzé and Vignard, 1985]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Vignard, P. (1985). Intelligence artificielle et modélisation en biologie. In Cesta, editor, Actes du colloque Cognitiva, pages 823--828, Paris. AFCET.


[Gouzé, 1996c]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1996c). Habilitation à diriger les recherches : Analyse mathématique qualitative de modèles biologiques. Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

(Some) Reports, ...
All the reports are available on   the INRIA website

[Farcot and Gouzé, 2009a]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2009a). Limit cycles in piecewise-affine gene network models with multiple interaction loops. INRIA Research Report RR-6875, INRIA.

[Tournier and Gouzé, 2007]
Tournier, L. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2007). Hierarchical analysis of piecewise affine models of gene regulatory networks. Research Report 6189, INRIA.

[Gouzé etal., 2006]
Gouzé, J.-L., Bernard, O., and Mailleret, L. (2006). Global stabilization of a class of partially known positive systems. Research Report 5952, INRIA.

[Farcot and Gouzé, 2006]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2006). How to control a biological switch: a mathematical framework for the control of piecewise affine models of gene networks. Research Report 5979, INRIA.

[Farcot and Gouzé, 2006]
Farcot, E. and Gouzé, J.-L. (2006). Periodic solutions of piecewise affine gene network models: the case of a negative feedback loop. Research Report 6018, INRIA.
[Gouzé and Sari, 2001] 
Gouzé, J.-L. and Sari, T. (2001). A class of piecewise linear differential equations arising in biological models. Technical Report 4207, INRIA.

[Arino etal., 2000]
 Arino, J., Gouzé, J.-L., and Sciandra, A. (2000). A discrete, size-structured model of phytoplankton growth in the chemostat. Technical Report 3963, INRIA.

[Bernard and Gouzé, 1998c]
Bernard, O. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1998c). Global qualitative behavior of a class of nonlinear biological systems: application to the qualitative validation of phytoplankton growth models. Technical Report 3334, INRIA.

[Touzeau and Gouzé, 1997a]
Touzeau, S. and Gouzé, J.-L. (1997a). Exemples d'applications de l'automatique à l'halieutique. Journal du CIHEAM, Cahiers Options Méditerranée.

[Gouzé, 1990b]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1990b). Global behaviour of polynomial differential systems in the positive orthant. Rapport de Recherche 1345, INRIA.  (download)

[Gouzé, 1990c]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1990c). An inequality involving nonnegative matrices and increasing functions. Rapport de Recherche 1330, INRIA

[Gouzé, 1988a]
Gouzé, J.-L. (1988a). A criterion of global convergence to equilibrium for differential systems ; applications to Lotka-Volterra systems. Rapport de Recherche 894, INRIA. (download)
[Gouzé and Sciandra, 1986]
Gouzé, J.-L. and Sciandra, A. (1986). La loi exponentielle et ses vérifications en biologie. In Pavé, A., editor, Cahiers EDORA. Rapport INRIA 866.