[ANR TRACTIVE] Postdoc: Analysis of gendered cinematography with AI

Details and applying: English

The postdoctoral researcher will be recruited in the Signal Image and Systems department of the I3S laboratory, in the framework of the TRACTIVE project centered on film analysis with AI (machine learing - ML) models. The TRACTIVE project is a four-year research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and involving 6 academic laboratories, in computer science and humanities. The scientific objective of TRACTIVE is to characterize and quantify gender representation and objectification in films and visual media by designing an AI-driven multimodal (visual and textual) discourse analysis. To address this objective, TRACTIVE brings together researchers from computer science, media studies, linguistics, and gender studies. The TRACTIVE project already involves two engineers and two PhD students. This postdoc proposal is at the center of the TRACTIVE project, with the following objective.

Objective: Designing explainable deep learning (DL) approaches to identify complex multimodal film editing patterns producing on-screen objectification.

Masters Internships (2024)