In file triangulation/ActiveTriangulationEdge3D.h:

class ActiveTriangulationEdge3D : public TriangulationEdge

3D Active triangulation edge class


Public Methods

ActiveTriangulation3D* getTriangulation () const
return theassociated triangulation mesh
void* getData () const
return the edge data
void setData (void *pt )
set the edge data to a given value
double computeEdgeLength ()
return the edge length
double computeEdgeSquareLength ()
return the edge square length
void computeLengthAndDirection ()
compute the edge length and direction
void resetRestLength ()
store the rest length
double getLength () const
returns the current edge length
double getPreviousLength () const
returns the edge length at the previous iteration
double getSquareLength () const
returns the stored square edge length
double getRestLength ()
returns the store rest edge length
double getSquareRestLength ()
returns the store rest edge length
const Vec3 & getDirection (void) const
returns edge direction
void computeDihedralAngle ()
compute the dihedral angle and store it
void computeSpringForce ()
compute the spring force connecting the two edge vertices
void computeMeanCurvatureForce () const
compute the force equal to the local mean curvature
double getDihedralAngle () const
returns the stored dihedral angle
ActiveTriangulationVertex3D* getVertex (unsigned int i) const
returns 3D active vertex adjacent to an edge
ActiveTriangulationTriangle3D* getTriangle (unsigned int i) const
returns 3D active triangle adjacent to an edge
virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeRemoval (void)
Edge removal transformation
virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSplit (TriangulationEdge *e1)
Edge split transformation


ActiveTriangulationEdge3D (Triangulation *triangulation, TriangulationVertex *v1, TriangulationVertex *v2, TriangulationTriangle *t1 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *t2 = 0, bool empty=false)
virtual ~ActiveTriangulationEdge3D ()
removes edge from edge list

Protected Fields

Vec3 direction
edge direction unit vector
double length
edge length
double previousLength
edge length at the previous iteration
double squareLength
edge square length
double restLength
the edge rest length for spring force computation
double squareRestLength
edge square rest length
double dihedralAngle
the dihedral angle accross the edge = angle between the two adjacent normal vectors
void* edgeData
data used for the computation of internal forces

Private Fields

bool initialized
if the additional properties stored in the edge

Inherited from TriangulationEdge:

Public Classes

enum IntersectionStatus

Public Methods

void setVertex(int i, TriangulationVertex *v)
void setTriangle(int i, TriangulationTriangle *t)
bool isReal() const
void setReal()
void setVirtual()
TriangulationVertex* getOtherVertex(const TriangulationVertex *v) const
int getRef(void) const
EdgeContour* getEdgeContour() const
virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSwap(void)

Protected Fields

bool empty
unsigned short label
TriangulationVertex* vertex[2]
TriangulationTriangle* triangle[2]
Triangulation* triangulation
EdgeContour* edgeContour
int ref

Protected Methods

void changeOrientation()


3D Active triangulation edge class
bool initialized
if the additional properties stored in the edge

Vec3 direction
edge direction unit vector

double length
edge length

double previousLength
edge length at the previous iteration

double squareLength
edge square length

double restLength
the edge rest length for spring force computation

double squareRestLength
edge square rest length

double dihedralAngle
the dihedral angle accross the edge = angle between the two adjacent normal vectors

void* edgeData
data used for the computation of internal forces


ActiveTriangulationEdge3D(Triangulation *triangulation, TriangulationVertex *v1, TriangulationVertex *v2, TriangulationTriangle *t1 = 0, TriangulationTriangle *t2 = 0, bool empty=false)
triangulation - edge mesh
v1 - first edge vertex
v2 - second edge vertex
t1 - first edge triangle
t2 - second edge triangle
empty - if the edge is real or virtual


virtual ~ActiveTriangulationEdge3D()
removes edge from edge list

ActiveTriangulation3D* getTriangulation() const
return theassociated triangulation mesh

void* getData() const
return the edge data

void setData(void *pt )
set the edge data to a given value

double computeEdgeLength()
return the edge length

double computeEdgeSquareLength()
return the edge square length

void computeLengthAndDirection()
compute the edge length and direction

void resetRestLength()
store the rest length

double getLength() const
returns the current edge length

double getPreviousLength() const
returns the edge length at the previous iteration

double getSquareLength() const
returns the stored square edge length

double getRestLength()
returns the store rest edge length

double getSquareRestLength()
returns the store rest edge length

const Vec3 & getDirection(void) const
returns edge direction

void computeDihedralAngle()
compute the dihedral angle and store it

void computeSpringForce()
compute the spring force connecting the two edge vertices

void computeMeanCurvatureForce() const
compute the force equal to the local mean curvature

double getDihedralAngle() const
returns the stored dihedral angle

ActiveTriangulationVertex3D* getVertex(unsigned int i) const
returns 3D active vertex adjacent to an edge
i - vertex index (0 or 1)

ActiveTriangulationTriangle3D* getTriangle(unsigned int i) const
returns 3D active triangle adjacent to an edge
i - triangle index (0 or 1)

virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeRemoval(void)
Edge removal transformation

virtual TriangulationEdge* EdgeSplit(TriangulationEdge *e1)
Edge split transformation

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling