In file triangulation/PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D.h:

class PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D : public TriangulationVertex3D

a vertex of a 3D triangulation


Public Fields

PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D* vertexWindow
used during a recursive search
double maxDistance
maximal distance of attractive data
double distanceData
distance of point to the closest data point
bool hasClosest
if there is a closest point in the 3D data
Vec3 closestData
closest point from a Precomputed Triangulation vertex to the set of 3D data
double meanStiffness
mean local Stiffness
double localStiffnessFactor
local Stiffness Factor

Public Methods

PrecomputedTriangulation3D* getTriangulation () const
returns an iterator over neighboring triangles
PrecomputedVertexVertex3DIterator getVertexIterator (void) const
returns an iterator over neighboring vertices
void updatePosition (void)
updates vertex position by applying total force
double getDistanceData (void) const
get distance to closest point data
double getMaxDistance (void) const
get max distance to attractive data
Vec3 getRestPosition (void) const
get the vertex rest position
Vec3 getForce (void) const
get externalForce
Vec3 getDisplacement (void) const
get vertex displacement
void setDisplacement (const Vec3 v)
set vertex displacement
void setForce (const Vec3 f)
set vertex force
RangeInformation* getRangeInformation (void) const
returns local information
void setRangeInformation (RangeInformation * ri )
set local information
void grab (const Vec3& G)
grab this vertex toward point G


PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D (Triangulation *mesh, const Vec3 &_position=Vec3(0, 0, 0), bool empty=false, TriangulationEdge *edge=0, unsigned int orientation=0)
virtual ~PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D ()
delete vertex

returns the 3D triangulation the vertex belongs to

Protected Fields

Vec3 restPosition
the rest position of the vertex
Vec3 restNormal
the rest position normal of the vertex
Vec3 force
applied external force
Vec3 oldForce
applied external force
Matrix3x3 * tensorArray
the precomputed tensor array
bool fixed
if the vertex is fixed
Vec3 displacement
displacement of the vertex
RangeInformation* rangeInformation
local data information known at this vertex

Inherited from TriangulationVertex3D:

Public Fields

double vertexMetric

Public Methods

const Vec3 & getPosition() const
void setPosition(const Vec3 &pos)
Vec3 getNormal() const
double getGaussianCurvature() const
void computeNormal()
void computeGaussianCurvature()
TriangleVertex3DIterator getTriangleIterator(void) const

Protected Fields

Vec3 position
Vec3 normal
double gaussianCurvature

Inherited from TriangulationVertex:

Public Methods

void setEdge(TriangulationEdge *e)
void setOrientation(unsigned int o)
TriangulationEdge* getFirstEdge(void) const
unsigned int getOrientation(void) const
TriangulationTriangle* getFirstTriangle(void) const
bool isAdjacent(TriangulationVertex *v) const
bool isReal() const
static TriangulationEdge* nextEdge(const TriangulationEdge *e, int& orientation)
static TriangulationEdge* previousEdge(const TriangulationEdge *e, int& orientation)
VertexContour* getVertexContour() const
unsigned int getNumberAdjacentTriangles(void) const
unsigned int getNumberAdjacentEdges(void) const
template TriangulationVertex::EdgeVertexIterator getEdgeIterator(void) const
int getRef(void) const
void setVirtualNeighborhood()
void removeVirtualNeighborhood()


vertex iterators

iterators over vertex shell vertices or triangles
class BasicIterator
a basic iterator around a vertex
const TriangulationVertex* vertex
vertex to iterate on
TriangulationEdge* currentEdge
current edge
int currentOrientation
current edge orientation
TriangulationTriangle* start
first triangle around vertex
bool hasChanged
whether the iterator has been modified
void next(void)
get next edge
void previous(void)
get previous edge
BasicIterator(const TriangulationVertex *v)
constructor builds a new iterator on vertex
delete vertex
void first(void)
set iterator to first element
void last(void)
set iterator to last element
bool isAtEnd(void)
is iterator at end of vertex?
template class TriangleVertexIterator: public BasicIterator
iterator on vertex triangles
TriangleVertexIterator(const TriangulationVertex *v)
constructor builds a triangle iterator around a vertex
delete vertex
T* operator*(void) const
returns current triangle
T* operator++(void)
set iterator on next triangle and returns it
T* operator++(int)
returns current triangle then set iterator on next one
T* operator--(void)
set iterator on previous triangle and returns it
T* operator--(int)
returns current triangle then set iterator on previous one
template class VertexIterator: public BasicIterator
basic vertex iterator around a vertex
VertexIterator(const TriangulationVertex *v)
constructor builds a new iterator on vertex
delete vertex
T* operator*(void) const
returns current vertex
T* operator++(void)
set iterator on next vertex and returns it
T* operator++(int)
returns current vertex then set iterator on next one
T* operator--(void)
set iterator on previous vertex and returns it
T* operator--(int)
returns current vertex then set iterator on previous one
template class EdgeVertexIterator: public BasicIterator
iterator over vertex edges
EdgeVertexIterator(const TriangulationVertex *v)
constructor builds an edge iterator around a vertex
delete vertex
T* operator*(void) const
returns current edge
T* operator++(void)
set iterator on next edge and returns it
T* operator++(int)
returns current edge then set iterator on next one
T* operator--(void)
set iterator on previous edge and returns it
T* operator--(int)
returns current edge then set iterator on previous one

Protected Fields

Triangulation* triangulation
TriangulationEdge* edge
unsigned int orientation
VertexContour* vertexContour
int ref
bool empty


a vertex of a 3D triangulation
Vec3 restPosition
the rest position of the vertex

Vec3 restNormal
the rest position normal of the vertex

Vec3 force
applied external force

Vec3 oldForce
applied external force

Matrix3x3 * tensorArray
the precomputed tensor array

bool fixed
if the vertex is fixed

Vec3 displacement
displacement of the vertex

RangeInformation* rangeInformation
local data information known at this vertex

PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D* vertexWindow
used during a recursive search

double maxDistance
maximal distance of attractive data

double distanceData
distance of point to the closest data point

bool hasClosest
if there is a closest point in the 3D data

Vec3 closestData
closest point from a Precomputed Triangulation vertex to the set of 3D data

double meanStiffness
mean local Stiffness

double localStiffnessFactor
local Stiffness Factor


PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D(Triangulation *mesh, const Vec3 &_position=Vec3(0, 0, 0), bool empty=false, TriangulationEdge *edge=0, unsigned int orientation=0)
mesh - vertex mesh
_position - vertex position
empty - if the vertex is real or virtual
edge - one face edge
orientation - face orientation versus edge orientation (0 or 1)
_position - the vertex position


virtual ~PrecomputedTriangulationVertex3D()
delete vertex

returns the 3D triangulation the vertex belongs to

PrecomputedTriangulation3D* getTriangulation() const
returns an iterator over neighboring triangles

PrecomputedVertexVertex3DIterator getVertexIterator(void) const
returns an iterator over neighboring vertices

void updatePosition(void)
updates vertex position by applying total force

double getDistanceData(void) const
get distance to closest point data

double getMaxDistance(void) const
get max distance to attractive data

Vec3 getRestPosition(void) const
get the vertex rest position

Vec3 getForce(void) const
get externalForce

Vec3 getDisplacement(void) const
get vertex displacement

void setDisplacement(const Vec3 v)
set vertex displacement

void setForce(const Vec3 f)
set vertex force

RangeInformation* getRangeInformation(void) const
returns local information

void setRangeInformation(RangeInformation * ri )
set local information

void grab(const Vec3& G)
grab this vertex toward point G
G - grab point

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling