In file SM2/SM2Edge.h:

class SM2Edge : public SM2EdgeTopology

2 simplex mesh edge


Public Methods

SM2Vertex* getVertex (unsigned int i) const
returns edge vertex
SM2Face* getFace (unsigned int i) const
returns edge face
virtual SM2Face* T1Transformation (void)
T1 transformation
virtual SM2Edge* T2Transformation (SM2Edge *e1)
T2 transformation
virtual SM2EdgeTopology* T7Transformation (void)
T7 transformation
SM2* getMesh (void) const
returns edge simplex mesh
SM2EdgeContour3D* getEdgeContour () const
returns the 3D contour edge associated with a given 2-simplex mesh edge
void unselect (void)
unselects this edge
void select (void)
selects this edge
double getLength (void) const
returns this edge length
unsigned char getLabel (void) const
returns this edge label
double getRestLength (void) const
returns this edge length
void computeLengthAndDirection (void)
computes this edge length and unit direction vector
void resetRestLength (void)
recompute edge length and set it as spring rest length
const Vec3 & getDirection (void) const
returns edge direction
void setLabel (const unsigned char c)
set a new label on an edge


SM2Edge (SM2 *mesh, SM2Vertex *v1, SM2Vertex *v2, SM2Face *f1 = 0, SM2Face *f2 = 0)
virtual ~SM2Edge ()
delete edge

Protected Fields

double length
edge length
double restLength
edge rest length for spring internal forces
unsigned char label
used for recursive labelling functions
Vec3 direction
edge direction unit vector
void* clientData
pointer on client data

Inherited from SM2EdgeTopology:

Public Methods

void setVertexTopology(int i, SM2VertexTopology *v)
void setFaceTopology(int i, SM2FaceTopology *f)
SM2VertexTopology* getVertexTopology(unsigned int i) const
SM2FaceTopology* getFaceTopology(unsigned int i) const
int getRef(void) const

Protected Fields

SM2VertexTopology* vertex[2]
SM2FaceTopology* face[2]
SM2Topology* mesh
EdgeContour* edgeContour
int ref

Protected Methods

void changeOrientation()


2 simplex mesh edge
double length
edge length

double restLength
edge rest length for spring internal forces

unsigned char label
used for recursive labelling functions

Vec3 direction
edge direction unit vector

void* clientData
pointer on client data


SM2Edge(SM2 *mesh, SM2Vertex *v1, SM2Vertex *v2, SM2Face *f1 = 0, SM2Face *f2 = 0)
mesh - edge mesh
v1 - first edge vertex
v2 - second edge vertex
f1 - first edge face
f2 - second edge face


virtual ~SM2Edge()
delete edge

SM2Vertex* getVertex(unsigned int i) const
returns edge vertex
i - vertex index (0 or 1)

SM2Face* getFace(unsigned int i) const
returns edge face
i - vertex index (0 or 1)

virtual SM2Face* T1Transformation(void)
T1 transformation

virtual SM2Edge* T2Transformation(SM2Edge *e1)
T2 transformation

virtual SM2EdgeTopology* T7Transformation(void)
T7 transformation

SM2* getMesh(void) const
returns edge simplex mesh

SM2EdgeContour3D* getEdgeContour() const
returns the 3D contour edge associated with a given 2-simplex mesh edge

void unselect(void)
unselects this edge

void select(void)
selects this edge

double getLength(void) const
returns this edge length

unsigned char getLabel(void) const
returns this edge label

double getRestLength(void) const
returns this edge length

void computeLengthAndDirection(void)
computes this edge length and unit direction vector

void resetRestLength(void)
recompute edge length and set it as spring rest length

const Vec3 & getDirection(void) const
returns edge direction

void setLabel(const unsigned char c)
set a new label on an edge

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling