In file SM2/SM2Vertex.h:

class SM2VertexTopology : public ListElement<SM2VertexTopology>

2 simplex mesh topological vertex


Public Methods

void setVertexTopology (int i, SM2VertexTopology *v)
set ith vertex neighbor
void setEdgeTopology (int i, SM2EdgeTopology *e)
set ith edge neighbor
void setFaceTopology (int i, SM2FaceTopology *f)
set ith face neighbor
void setWhichNeighbor (void)
set whichNeighbor[i] value
int getRef (void) const
returns vertex reference
int getWhichNeighbor (int i) const
get whichNeighbor array value
int getWhichNeighbor (const SM2VertexTopology *v) const
get whichNeighbor array value
int neighborIndex (const SM2VertexTopology *v) const
get array index of v in neighbors array
void resetNeighborhood (void)
destroy pre-computed neighborhood
SM2VertexTopology* getNeighborTopology (unsigned int i) const
returns one of vertex neighbors
SM2FaceTopology* getFaceTopology (unsigned int i) const
returns one of vertex faces
SM2EdgeTopology* getEdgeTopology (unsigned int i) const
returns one of vertex edges
void swapNeighbors (unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
swap two vertex neighbors indices
VertexContour* getVertexContour () const
returns the pointer on the contour vertex associated with a vertex


SM2VertexTopology (SM2Topology *mesh, SM2VertexTopology *n0 = 0, SM2VertexTopology *n1 = 0, SM2VertexTopology *n2 = 0, SM2FaceTopology *f0 = 0, SM2FaceTopology *f1 = 0, SM2FaceTopology *f2 = 0, SM2EdgeTopology *e0 = 0, SM2EdgeTopology *e1 = 0, SM2EdgeTopology *e2 = 0)
SM2VertexTopology (const SM2VertexTopology& org)
copy constructor: create an empty vertex without any mesh/neighbors/faces
virtual ~SM2VertexTopology ()
empty destructor

Protected Fields

SM2VertexTopology* neighbor [3]
vertex 3 neighbors
SM2FaceTopology* face [3]
vertex 3 faces
SM2EdgeTopology* edge [3]
vertex 3 edges
unsigned int whichNeighbor [3]
order in neighbor array of vertices which this vertex is a neighbor: p1->neighbor[i]->neighbor[whichNeighbor[i]] = this
int ref
vertex unique reference
SM2Topology* mesh
to which 2simplex mesh vertex belongs
VertexContour* vertexContour
the associated vertex contour
SM2VertexTopology* vertexWindow
used during a recursive search
std::vector <SM2VertexTopology *> * neighborhood
pre-stored neigborhood (if neighborhoodSize > 0)
unsigned int neighborhoodSize
pre-stored neigborhood size


2 simplex mesh topological vertex
SM2VertexTopology* neighbor[3]
vertex 3 neighbors

SM2FaceTopology* face[3]
vertex 3 faces

SM2EdgeTopology* edge[3]
vertex 3 edges

unsigned int whichNeighbor[3]
order in neighbor array of vertices which this vertex is a neighbor: p1->neighbor[i]->neighbor[whichNeighbor[i]] = this

int ref
vertex unique reference

SM2Topology* mesh
to which 2simplex mesh vertex belongs

VertexContour* vertexContour
the associated vertex contour

SM2VertexTopology* vertexWindow
used during a recursive search

std::vector <SM2VertexTopology *> * neighborhood
pre-stored neigborhood (if neighborhoodSize > 0)

unsigned int neighborhoodSize
pre-stored neigborhood size


SM2VertexTopology(SM2Topology *mesh, SM2VertexTopology *n0 = 0, SM2VertexTopology *n1 = 0, SM2VertexTopology *n2 = 0, SM2FaceTopology *f0 = 0, SM2FaceTopology *f1 = 0, SM2FaceTopology *f2 = 0, SM2EdgeTopology *e0 = 0, SM2EdgeTopology *e1 = 0, SM2EdgeTopology *e2 = 0)
mesh - owner 2 simplex mesh
n0 - first neighbor,
n1 - second neighbor,
n2 - third neighbor,
f0 - first face,
f1 - second face,
f2 - third face,
e0 - first edge,
e1 - second edge,
e2 - third edge

SM2VertexTopology(const SM2VertexTopology& org)
copy constructor: create an empty vertex without any mesh/neighbors/faces


virtual ~SM2VertexTopology()
empty destructor

void setVertexTopology(int i, SM2VertexTopology *v)
set ith vertex neighbor

void setEdgeTopology(int i, SM2EdgeTopology *e)
set ith edge neighbor

void setFaceTopology(int i, SM2FaceTopology *f)
set ith face neighbor

void setWhichNeighbor(void)
set whichNeighbor[i] value

int getRef(void) const
returns vertex reference

int getWhichNeighbor(int i) const
get whichNeighbor array value
j such that this == neighbor[i]->neighbor[j]
i - neighbor index

int getWhichNeighbor(const SM2VertexTopology *v) const
get whichNeighbor array value
j such that this == v->neighbor[j]
v - a neighbor vertex

int neighborIndex(const SM2VertexTopology *v) const
get array index of v in neighbors array
j such that this->neighbor[j] == v or -1 if v is not a neighbor of this
v - a neighbor vertex

void resetNeighborhood(void)
destroy pre-computed neighborhood

SM2VertexTopology* getNeighborTopology(unsigned int i) const
returns one of vertex neighbors
i - neighbor number (0, 1 or 2)

SM2FaceTopology* getFaceTopology(unsigned int i) const
returns one of vertex faces
i - face number (0, 1 or 2)

SM2EdgeTopology* getEdgeTopology(unsigned int i) const
returns one of vertex edges
i - edge number (0, 1 or 2)

void swapNeighbors(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
swap two vertex neighbors indices
i - first vertex neighbor index (0, 1 or 2)
j - second vertex neighbor index (0, 1 or 2)

VertexContour* getVertexContour() const
returns the pointer on the contour vertex associated with a vertex. May return NULL

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling