In file SM2/SM2Face.h:

class BasicSM2FaceIterator

base iterator over face


Public Methods

BasicSM2FaceIterator (const SM2FaceTopology &face)
builds a new iterator on face
void first (void)
set iterator to first element
void last (void)
set iterator to last element
bool isAtEnd (void)
is iterator at end of face?

Protected Fields

const SM2FaceTopology* face
face to iterate on
SM2EdgeTopology* currentEdge
current edge
int currentOrientation
current edge orientation
SM2VertexTopology* start
first face vertex

Protected Methods

void next (void)
get next edge
void previous (void)
get previous edge


base iterator over face
const SM2FaceTopology* face
face to iterate on

SM2EdgeTopology* currentEdge
current edge

int currentOrientation
current edge orientation

SM2VertexTopology* start
first face vertex

void next(void)
get next edge

void previous(void)
get previous edge

BasicSM2FaceIterator(const SM2FaceTopology &face)
builds a new iterator on face

void first(void)
set iterator to first element

void last(void)
set iterator to last element

bool isAtEnd(void)
is iterator at end of face?

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling