In file inrimage/TclDisplacementField3D.h:

namespace yav class TclDisplacementField3D : public TclSceneObject

Tcl interface to class DisplacementField3D


Public Methods

DisplacementField3D* getClient (void) const
return the TCL object associated with this interface */
void init (TclModule *m)
constructors common code
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
Tcl command to create the TclDisplacementField3D
int defxCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option
int defyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option
int defzCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option


TclDisplacementField3D (TclModule *m, const char *name) throw( GeneralFormat::FileNotFound, Inrimage::ImageNotFound, DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DImagesNb, DisplacementField3D::DisplacementField3DMismatchType, DisplacementField3D::DisplacementField3DMismatchSize )
Reads 3D displacement field from file whose path is given as argument


Tcl interface to class DisplacementField3D

TclDisplacementField3D(TclModule *m, const char *name) throw( GeneralFormat::FileNotFound, Inrimage::ImageNotFound, DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DImagesNb, DisplacementField3D::DisplacementField3DMismatchType, DisplacementField3D::DisplacementField3DMismatchSize )
Reads 3D displacement field from file whose path is given as argument
m - module this field is created in
name - 3D displacement file name
info - dynamic object type @excpetion ImageNotFound image file not found


DisplacementField3D* getClient(void) const
return the TCL object associated with this interface */

void init(TclModule *m)
constructors common code

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
Tcl command to create the TclDisplacementField3D

int defxCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option

int defyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option

int defzCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-resample command option

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling