In file inrimage/DisplacementField3D.h:

namespace yav class DisplacementField3D : public GeneralFormat, public Owner<Inrimage>, public Pointed<DisplacementField3D>, public Client

class for reel or voxel transformation


Public Classes

transformation can be real or voxel

Public Methods

virtual void dying (const ObjectPointer<Inrimage> &)
an image owned by this 3D displacement field is being destroyed: destroy the displacement field
void VoxelToReal (void) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
transform a voxel DisplacementField3D into a real DisplacementField3D
void RealToVoxel (float vx, float vy, float vz) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
transform a real DisplacementField3D into a voxel DisplacementField3D
Inrimage::WORD_TYPE getType (void) const
get the type of the image of deplacement
float getVX () const throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
get transfo image voxel size in x dimension in case of VOXEL type
float getVY () const throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
get transfo image voxel size in y dimension in case of VOXEL type
float getVZ () const throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
get transfo image voxel size in z dimension in case of VOXEL type
void setVX (float) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
set transfo image voxel size in x dimension in case of VOXEL type
void setVY (float) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
set transfo image voxel size in y dimension in case of VOXEL type
void setVZ (float) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
set transfo image voxel size in z dimension in case of VOXEL type
void readInrNames (GFInput &input) throw(InvalidDisplacementField3DImagesNb)
general format read function for Inrimage names module
void skipInrNames (GFInput &input)
general format skip function for Inrimage names module
void writeInrNames (GFOutput &output)
general format write function for Inrimage names module


DisplacementField3D ( FIELD_MODE m, Inrimage *imx, Inrimage *imy, Inrimage *imz, float vx=1, float vy=1, float vz=1 ) throw(DisplacementField3DMismatchType, DisplacementField3DMismatchSize, DisplacementField3DMismatchVoxelSize)
create a transformation depending on its mode The images of the deformation are needed : 2 in 2D and 3 in 3D In case of VOXEL mode, size of voxel is needed
DisplacementField3D ( const char *filename ) throw(GeneralFormat::FileNotFound, Inrimage::ImageNotFound, InvalidDisplacementField3DImagesNb, DisplacementField3DMismatchType, DisplacementField3DMismatchSize )
build a new Displacement Field
~DisplacementField3D ()
destroys any 3D inrimage

Protected Fields

TclString filename
3D FIELD file name
mode of the transformation
ObjectPointer <Inrimage> * inrx
x, y and z deformation images pointers on deformation image
Inrimage::WORD_TYPE type
type of the images of deformation
float vx
size of the voxels in case of voxel type transformation

Private Methods

void initGeneralFormat (void)
constructors common code for I/O routines


class Exception classes : public Exception


class for reel or voxel transformation
class Exception classes : public Exception

transformation can be real or voxel




DisplacementField3D( FIELD_MODE m, Inrimage *imx, Inrimage *imy, Inrimage *imz, float vx=1, float vy=1, float vz=1 ) throw(DisplacementField3DMismatchType, DisplacementField3DMismatchSize, DisplacementField3DMismatchVoxelSize)
create a transformation depending on its mode The images of the deformation are needed : 2 in 2D and 3 in 3D In case of VOXEL mode, size of voxel is needed

DisplacementField3D( const char *filename ) throw(GeneralFormat::FileNotFound, Inrimage::ImageNotFound, InvalidDisplacementField3DImagesNb, DisplacementField3DMismatchType, DisplacementField3DMismatchSize )
build a new Displacement Field
filename - 3D field displacement file name


destroys any 3D inrimage

virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer<Inrimage> &)
an image owned by this 3D displacement field is being destroyed: destroy the displacement field
obj - element before destruction

void VoxelToReal(void) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
transform a voxel DisplacementField3D into a real DisplacementField3D

void RealToVoxel(float vx, float vy, float vz) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode, Inrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
transform a real DisplacementField3D into a voxel DisplacementField3D

Inrimage::WORD_TYPE getType(void) const
get the type of the image of deplacement

float getVX() const throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
get transfo image voxel size in x dimension in case of VOXEL type

float getVY() const throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
get transfo image voxel size in y dimension in case of VOXEL type

float getVZ() const throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
get transfo image voxel size in z dimension in case of VOXEL type

void setVX(float) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
set transfo image voxel size in x dimension in case of VOXEL type

void setVY(float) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
set transfo image voxel size in y dimension in case of VOXEL type

void setVZ(float) throw(DisplacementField3D::InvalidDisplacementField3DMode)
set transfo image voxel size in z dimension in case of VOXEL type

void readInrNames(GFInput &input) throw(InvalidDisplacementField3DImagesNb)
general format read function for Inrimage names module

void skipInrNames(GFInput &input)
general format skip function for Inrimage names module

void writeInrNames(GFOutput &output)
general format write function for Inrimage names module

TclString filename
3D FIELD file name

mode of the transformation

ObjectPointer <Inrimage> * inrx
x, y and z deformation images pointers on deformation image

Inrimage::WORD_TYPE type
type of the images of deformation

float vx
size of the voxels in case of voxel type transformation

void initGeneralFormat(void)
constructors common code for I/O routines

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling