In file inrimage/TclColorMap.h:

namespace yav class TclColorMap : public TclObject

a colormap consisting of 3 red, green, blue array that can be used by a slicecamera background


Public Methods

const unsigned char* getRed () const
returns a pointer to the red array
const unsigned char* getGreen () const
returns a pointer to the green array
const unsigned char* getBlue () const
returns a pointer to the blue array
static int list (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback
int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option
int getColorCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-getColor option
int setColorCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-setColor option


Exception classes
class ImageWrongSize : public Exception
the input image does not have the right size : 256x256x3 or 257x257x3
class FileNotFound : public Exception
the input file cannot be found
TclColorMap (TclModule *m, const unsigned char *r, const unsigned char *g, const unsigned char *b)
create a colormap from the 3 RGB arrays
TclColorMap (TclModule *m, Inrimage *inr) throw(ImageWrongSize)
create a colormap from an inrimage of size 256x256x3
TclColorMap (TclModule *m, char *fname) throw(FileNotFound)
create a colormap from an inrimage from a file
virtual ~TclColorMap ()
destroys this colormap

Protected Fields

unsigned char red [257]
red band of the colormap
unsigned char green [257]
green band of the colormap
unsigned char blue [257]
blue band of the colormap


a colormap consisting of 3 red, green, blue array that can be used by a slicecamera background
unsigned char red[257]
red band of the colormap

unsigned char green[257]
green band of the colormap

unsigned char blue[257]
blue band of the colormap

Exception classes

class ImageWrongSize: public Exception
the input image does not have the right size : 256x256x3 or 257x257x3

class FileNotFound: public Exception
the input file cannot be found


TclColorMap(TclModule *m, const unsigned char *r, const unsigned char *g, const unsigned char *b)
create a colormap from the 3 RGB arrays
m - a module to create a TCL Object
r - the red array of size 257
g - the green array of size 257
b - the blue array of size 257

TclColorMap(TclModule *m, Inrimage *inr) throw(ImageWrongSize)
create a colormap from an inrimage of size 256x256x3
m - a module to create a TCL Object
inr - an inrimage of size 256x256x3

TclColorMap(TclModule *m, char *fname) throw(FileNotFound)
create a colormap from an inrimage from a file
m - a module to create a TCL Object
fname - the file name associated with a colormap


virtual ~TclColorMap()
destroys this colormap

const unsigned char* getRed() const
returns a pointer to the red array

const unsigned char* getGreen() const
returns a pointer to the green array

const unsigned char* getBlue() const
returns a pointer to the blue array

static int list(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback

int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option

int getColorCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-getColor option

int setColorCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-setColor option

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling