In file inrimage/StructuringElement.h:

class StructuringElement

Class for structuring elements This class is used either for mathematical morphology procedures or for median filtering



Public methods
int getConnectivity ( void )
get the connectivity of the structuring element
void setArrayOfPoints ( typeStructuringElementPoint *l )
set a pointer to the list of neighbors
typeStructuringElementPoint* getArrayOfPoints ( void )
get the pointer to the list of neighbors
void setNumberOfPoints ( const int n )
set the number of neighbors
int getNumberOfPoints ( void )
get the number of neighbors
StructuringElement& operator= (const StructuringElement& s)
replicates the structuring element
void convertToList ( void )
Transform any structuring element into a list of neighbors
void inverse ( void )
Invert the structuring element, ie compute the symetric
StructuringElement ( const CONNECTIVITY_TYPE C=TWENTY_SIX_CONNECTIVITY ) throw( InvalidElement )
Create structuring element from connectivity
StructuringElement ( const int x, const int y, const int z = 1 ) throw( InvalidElement )
Create structuring element from a rectangular neighborhood The center is supposed to be x/2 y/2 z/2
StructuringElement ( const char *name )
Create structuring element from an image whose path is given as argument
StructuringElement ( const Inrimage *image ) throw( InvalidElement )
Create structuring element from an image
StructuringElement ( const StructuringElement &elem )
Create an replica of elem
virtual ~StructuringElement ()
deallocates image buffer


a pre-defined connectivity
int centre_value
the minimal value of the SE center in image
int nb
the number of points in the list, if any
typeStructuringElementPoint* list
a pointer to the list of points

Private Methods

void init ( void )
initialisation des champs
int buildFromImage ( const Inrimage *image )
construction a partir d'une image


Exception classes


Class for structuring elements This class is used either for mathematical morphology procedures or for median filtering. A structuring element is either a pre-defined connectivity or a list of points (ie neighbors).
Exception classes


a pre-defined connectivity

int centre_value
the minimal value of the SE center in image

int nb
the number of points in the list, if any

typeStructuringElementPoint* list
a pointer to the list of points

void init( void )
initialisation des champs

int buildFromImage( const Inrimage *image )
construction a partir d'une image

Public methods

int getConnectivity( void )
get the connectivity of the structuring element

void setArrayOfPoints( typeStructuringElementPoint *l )
set a pointer to the list of neighbors

typeStructuringElementPoint* getArrayOfPoints( void )
get the pointer to the list of neighbors

void setNumberOfPoints( const int n )
set the number of neighbors

int getNumberOfPoints( void )
get the number of neighbors

StructuringElement& operator=(const StructuringElement& s)
replicates the structuring element

void convertToList( void )
Transform any structuring element into a list of neighbors

void inverse( void )
Invert the structuring element, ie compute the symetric


StructuringElement( const CONNECTIVITY_TYPE C=TWENTY_SIX_CONNECTIVITY ) throw( InvalidElement )
Create structuring element from connectivity
InvalidElement invalid connectivity
c - connectivity (should be 4, 8, 6, 10 or 26)

StructuringElement( const int x, const int y, const int z = 1 ) throw( InvalidElement )
Create structuring element from a rectangular neighborhood The center is supposed to be x/2 y/2 z/2
InvalidElement invalid connectivity
x - window size along X dimension
y - window size along Y dimension
z - window size along Z dimension

StructuringElement( const char *name )
Create structuring element from an image whose path is given as argument
name - image file name

StructuringElement( const Inrimage *image ) throw( InvalidElement )
Create structuring element from an image
image - image

StructuringElement( const StructuringElement &elem )
Create an replica of elem
elem - StructuringElement to copy


virtual ~StructuringElement()
deallocates image buffer

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling