In file inrimage/Interpolator.h:

struct Interpolator

Base class for interpolation (estimates values between known values)

virtual ~Interpolator()
virtual Voxel& operator)(Inrimage const& img, double x, double y, double z, Voxel& v) const
get interpolated value at img(x,y,z)
virtual Interpolator* clone() const
returns a copy of the object.
static Interpolator* trilinearInterpolatorByType(Inrimage::GEOMETRY geom, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE t, int vdim)
builds a tri-linear interpolator given image type


Base class for interpolation (estimates values between known values)
virtual ~Interpolator()

virtual Voxel& operator)(Inrimage const& img, double x, double y, double z, Voxel& v) const
get interpolated value at img(x,y,z)
v, the voxel in which the value is stored
img - image to interpolate
x - x cartesian coordinate
y - y cartesian coordinate
z - z cartesian coordinate
v - voxel to store value

virtual Interpolator* clone() const
returns a copy of the object.

static Interpolator* trilinearInterpolatorByType(Inrimage::GEOMETRY geom, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE t, int vdim)
builds a tri-linear interpolator given image type
geom - image geometry
t - image word type
vdim - image vectorial dimension (1, 2 or 3, used only for cartesian inrimages)

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling