In file inrimage/Inrimage4D.h:

namespace yav class Inrimage4D : public Owner<Inrimage>, public Pointed<Inrimage4D>, public GeneralFormat

sequence of 3D inrimages


Public Methods

void**** getArray (void) const
returns 4D index array
void getBounds (Voxel *min, Voxel *max, bool vectorNorm = true) const
compute inrimage grey level bounds
void readInrNames (GFInput &input)
general format read function for Inrimage names module
void skipInrNames (GFInput &input)
general format skip function for Inrimage names module
void writeInrNames (GFOutput &output)
general format write function for Inrimage names module
Voxel* getVoxel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int t) const
returns a Voxel representing given image voxel
Voxel& getVoxel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int t, Voxel& v) const
stores voxel (x, y, z) value in v
void setVoxel (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int t, const Voxel& v)
set given image voxel with transmitted voxel value
Inrimage* getInrimage (unsigned int& i)
Returns 3D inrimage at instant i
Inrimage* getFirstInrimage () const
returns 3D inrimage at first instant
std::vector <Inrimage *> & getInrimages (void)
returns inrimages vector
std::list <Inrimage *> getInrimageList (void)
returns inrimages list
virtual void dying (const ObjectPointer<Inrimage> & obj)
an image owned by this 4D image is being destroyed : destroy 4D image
const TclString& getName (void) const
returns 4D inrimage file name
void setName (const char *_name)
set new 4D inrimage file name
VECTORIAL_MODE getVectorialMode () const
Inrimage::WORD_TYPE getType (void) const
returns inrimage type
unsigned int getTimeDimension () const
get image time dimension
unsigned int getX () const
get image x dimension
unsigned int getY () const
get image y dimension
unsigned int getZ () const
get image z dimension
unsigned int getVdim (void) const
get image vectorial dimension
unsigned int getWdim (void) const
get image words size (in bytes)
float getVX () const
get image voxel size in x dimension
float getVY () const
get image voxel size in y dimension
float getVZ () const
get image voxel size in z dimension
float getVT () const
get image voxel size in time dimension
void setVT (const float &_vt)
set the voxel size in the time dimension
void setVoxelSize (float _vx, float _vy, float _vz, float _vt) throw(BaseInrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
set the voxel size including time dimension
void crop (unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int z1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, unsigned int z2) throw(Inrimage::InvalidArguments)
crops region between (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) in each 3D inrimage Crop expects x1 < x2, y1 < y2 and z1 < z2


class ReadError : public Exception
an inrimage file read error occured
ReadError (const std::string& from, const std::string& filename)
class EmptyInrimageList : public Exception
the list of inrimages is empty
EmptyInrimageList (const std::string& from)
class DifferentImageType : public Exception
the images do not have the same image type
DifferentImageType (const std::string& from)
class DifferentImageSize : public Exception
the images do not have the same image size
DifferentImageSize (const std::string& from)
Inrimage4D (const char *filename) throw(GeneralFormat::FileNotFound, Inrimage::ImageNotFound, ReadError, EmptyInrimageList, DifferentImageType, DifferentImageSize)
builds a new sequence of 3D inrimages
Inrimage4D (std::list<Inrimage *> inrs) throw(EmptyInrimageList, DifferentImageType, DifferentImageSize)
builds a 4D inrimage from a sequence of 3D inrimages
~Inrimage4D ()
destroys any 3D inrimage

Protected Fields

TclString name
4D inrimage file name
std::vector <Inrimage *> inrs
list of 3D inrimages
std::vector Inrimage> *> inrPointers
list of pointers on 3D inrimages
void**** array
4D index array to access [T][Z][Y][X] voxel
float vt
voxel size in the time dimension

Protected Methods

Inrimage4D (void)
construtors used by Inrimage4DClient
void buildArray (void)
build 4D array to index each 4D vertex

Private Methods

void init (void)
constructors common code


sequence of 3D inrimages
TclString name
4D inrimage file name

std::vector <Inrimage *> inrs
list of 3D inrimages

std::vector Inrimage> *> inrPointers
list of pointers on 3D inrimages

void**** array
4D index array to access [T][Z][Y][X] voxel

float vt
voxel size in the time dimension


class ReadError: public Exception
an inrimage file read error occured

ReadError(const std::string& from, const std::string& filename)

class EmptyInrimageList: public Exception
the list of inrimages is empty

EmptyInrimageList(const std::string& from)

class DifferentImageType: public Exception
the images do not have the same image type

DifferentImageType(const std::string& from)

class DifferentImageSize: public Exception
the images do not have the same image size

DifferentImageSize(const std::string& from)


Inrimage4D(const char *filename) throw(GeneralFormat::FileNotFound, Inrimage::ImageNotFound, ReadError, EmptyInrimageList, DifferentImageType, DifferentImageSize)
builds a new sequence of 3D inrimages
ReadError error while reading file
filename - 4D inrimage file name
scene - scene to hold this object @excpetion ImageNotFound image file not found

Inrimage4D(std::list<Inrimage *> inrs) throw(EmptyInrimageList, DifferentImageType, DifferentImageSize)
builds a 4D inrimage from a sequence of 3D inrimages
inrs - list of constituting 3D inrimages
scene - scene to hold this object
data - 3D data composing the 4D data inrimage


destroys any 3D inrimage

void**** getArray(void) const
returns 4D index array

void getBounds(Voxel *min, Voxel *max, bool vectorNorm = true) const
compute inrimage grey level bounds
min - min GL voxel value (min should have been allocated with inrimage dynamic type)
max - max GL voxel value (max should have been allocated with inrimage dynamic type)
vectorNorm - if true, this method returns min and max vector norm for vectorial inrimages, otherwise it returns min and max vector component

void readInrNames(GFInput &input)
general format read function for Inrimage names module

void skipInrNames(GFInput &input)
general format skip function for Inrimage names module

void writeInrNames(GFOutput &output)
general format write function for Inrimage names module

Voxel* getVoxel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int t) const
returns a Voxel representing given image voxel
x - X voxel coordinate
y - Y voxel coordinate
z - Z voxel coordinate
t - Time voxel coordinate

Voxel& getVoxel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int t, Voxel& v) const
stores voxel (x, y, z) value in v
x - X voxel coordinate
y - Y voxel coordinate
z - Z voxel coordinate
t - Time voxel coordinate
v - voxel to store value

void setVoxel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, unsigned int t, const Voxel& v)
set given image voxel with transmitted voxel value
x - X voxel coordinate
y - Y voxel coordinate
z - Z voxel coordinate
t - Time voxel coordinate
v - voxel value

Inrimage* getInrimage(unsigned int& i)
Returns 3D inrimage at instant i. If i exceed last instant, i's value is modified to last instant and last instant 3D inrimage is returned
i - instant

Inrimage* getFirstInrimage() const
returns 3D inrimage at first instant

std::vector <Inrimage *> & getInrimages(void)
returns inrimages vector

std::list <Inrimage *> getInrimageList(void)
returns inrimages list

virtual void dying(const ObjectPointer<Inrimage> & obj)
an image owned by this 4D image is being destroyed : destroy 4D image
obj - element before destruction

const TclString& getName(void) const
returns 4D inrimage file name

void setName(const char *_name)
set new 4D inrimage file name

VECTORIAL_MODE getVectorialMode() const

Inrimage::WORD_TYPE getType(void) const
returns inrimage type

unsigned int getTimeDimension() const
get image time dimension

unsigned int getX() const
get image x dimension

unsigned int getY() const
get image y dimension

unsigned int getZ() const
get image z dimension

unsigned int getVdim(void) const
get image vectorial dimension

unsigned int getWdim(void) const
get image words size (in bytes)

float getVX() const
get image voxel size in x dimension

float getVY() const
get image voxel size in y dimension

float getVZ() const
get image voxel size in z dimension

float getVT() const
get image voxel size in time dimension

void setVT(const float &_vt)
set the voxel size in the time dimension

void setVoxelSize(float _vx, float _vy, float _vz, float _vt) throw(BaseInrimage::InvalidVoxelSize)
set the voxel size including time dimension

void crop(unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int z1, unsigned int x2, unsigned int y2, unsigned int z2) throw(Inrimage::InvalidArguments)
crops region between (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) in each 3D inrimage Crop expects x1 < x2, y1 < y2 and z1 < z2
InvalidArgument x1 >= x2 or y1 >= y2 or z1 >= z2 or x2 >= xdim or y2 >= ydim or z2 >= zdim
x1 - first crop box corner X coordinate
y1 - first crop box corner Y coordinate
z1 - first crop box corner Z coordinate
x2 - second crop box corner X coordinate (x1 should be < x2)
y2 - secont crop box corner Y coordinate (y1 should be < y2)
z2 - second crop box corner Z coordinate (z1 should be < z2)

construtors used by Inrimage4DClient

void buildArray(void)
build 4D array to index each 4D vertex

void init(void)
constructors common code

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling