In file imagedata/RangeInrimage.h:

class IntensityProfileInformation : public RangeInformation

an intensity profile stored at a vertex


Public Classes

enum Criterion
registration evaluation criterion
minimize sum |x - y|
maximise [sum xy]^2 / [sum x^2 sum y^2]
maximise [sum (x - E(x))(y - E(y))]^2 / [n^2 Var(x) Var(y)]
maximise sum s^2 / (s^2 + (Idiff(i, j) - Idiff(v, w))^2)

Public Fields

static const TclString informationName
name stored in the Range Information

Public Methods

double getMaxDistance (void) const
get the maximum range distance
void setMaxDistance (double r)
set the maximum range distance
unsigned int getSize (void) const
returns number of sampled vector values
double getOrigin (void) const
returns profile origin
double getIntensity (unsigned int i) const
returns a sampled intensity value
double getDistance (unsigned int i) const
returns a sampled point distance
double getIntensity (double d) const
returns a linear interpolation of intensity value at given distance
Criterion getCriterion (void) const
returns registration evaluation criterion
void setCriterion (Criterion criterion, double threshold = -1.0)
set registration evaluation criterion
double getThreshold () const
return the threshold related to the image criterion
void setThreshold (const double t)
set the threshold related to the image criterion
void setOrigin (const double o)
set the profile origin
virtual bool getPoint (const ImageLine& line, Vec3& point)
computes attractive point in given image line using local information
static RangeInformation* readIntensityProfile (GFInput &input)
create an IntensityProfile Object from a file
virtual RangeInformation* duplicate ()
create a copy of this IntensityProfile object
virtual void writeInFile (GFOutput &output)
write in a file the data stored in an Intensity Profile object


IntensityProfileInformation (const ImageLine& line, double origin)
constructs a profile representing given image line
IntensityProfileInformation (unsigned int size, double origin, double *distance, double *intensity, Criterion criterion=DIFFERENCES, double threshold=50.0)
constructs a profile from values array
~IntensityProfileInformation ()
destroys profile intensity values

Private Fields

std::vector <element> profile
intensity values
double origin
profile origin
Criterion criterion
registration evaluation criterion
double threshold
criterion match threshold
double range
the half length of the image line to be matched with the stored profile


an intensity profile stored at a vertex
static const TclString informationName
name stored in the Range Information

enum Criterion
registration evaluation criterion

minimize sum |x - y|

maximise [sum xy]^2 / [sum x^2 sum y^2]

maximise [sum (x - E(x))(y - E(y))]^2 / [n^2 Var(x) Var(y)]

maximise sum s^2 / (s^2 + (Idiff(i, j) - Idiff(v, w))^2)

struct element
an intensity element

element(double d, double v)

double distance
distance from profile origin

double value
intensity value at that point

std::vector <element> profile
intensity values

double origin
profile origin

Criterion criterion
registration evaluation criterion

double threshold
criterion match threshold

double range
the half length of the image line to be matched with the stored profile


IntensityProfileInformation(const ImageLine& line, double origin)
constructs a profile representing given image line
line - profile line in image
origin - profile origin

IntensityProfileInformation(unsigned int size, double origin, double *distance, double *intensity, Criterion criterion=DIFFERENCES, double threshold=50.0)
constructs a profile from values array
size - profile number of points
origin - profile origin
distance - size elements array of points distance
intensity - size elements array of points intensity
criterion - the criterion used to find the matching point
threshold -


destroys profile intensity values

double getMaxDistance(void) const
get the maximum range distance

void setMaxDistance(double r)
set the maximum range distance

unsigned int getSize(void) const
returns number of sampled vector values

double getOrigin(void) const
returns profile origin

double getIntensity(unsigned int i) const
returns a sampled intensity value
intensity value or 0 if index falls out of profile
i - sampled value index

double getDistance(unsigned int i) const
returns a sampled point distance
ith point distance from profile origin or 0 if index falls out of profile
i - sampled value index

double getIntensity(double d) const
returns a linear interpolation of intensity value at given distance
intensity value at distance d or 0.0 if d falls out of profile
d - euclidian point distance from profile origin

Criterion getCriterion(void) const
returns registration evaluation criterion

void setCriterion(Criterion criterion, double threshold = -1.0)
set registration evaluation criterion
criterion - criterion to use
threshold - criterion threshold

double getThreshold() const
return the threshold related to the image criterion

void setThreshold(const double t)
set the threshold related to the image criterion

void setOrigin(const double o)
set the profile origin

virtual bool getPoint(const ImageLine& line, Vec3& point)
computes attractive point in given image line using local information
true if a point was found in image line, false otherwise
line - image line
point - returned attractive point

static RangeInformation* readIntensityProfile(GFInput &input)
create an IntensityProfile Object from a file

virtual RangeInformation* duplicate()
create a copy of this IntensityProfile object. This is used to apply the same algorithm to all vertices of a mesh

virtual void writeInFile(GFOutput &output)
write in a file the data stored in an Intensity Profile object
output - a pointer on a file

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling