In file imagedata/ImageLine.h:

class ImageLine

voxels line descriptor


Public Classes

enum SIDE
segment or half segment direction
half segment in direction
half segment in -direction
complete segment

Public Methods

ImageVoxel* operator[] (int i) const
get line voxel operator
ImageVoxel* getVoxel (int i) const
return a voxel given its index
void compute (double distance, const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, SIDE side = BOTH)
compute new line with given origin and direction
bool stopFromDistance (ImageVoxel *voxel, Voxel& iv)
default stop computation method: stops line segment computation when current voxel distance from origin exceeds maxDistance
virtual void start (Voxel& voxel)
callback procedure called when first line voxel is set
void setIntensity (Inrimage *_inr)
sets the new image intensity
const Vec3 & getOrigin (void) const
returns line origin
const Vec3 & getDirection (void) const
returns line direction
double getMaxDistance (void) const
returns max line length
void setMaxDistance (double max)
set max line length
unsigned int positiveArraySize () const
returns the number of elements for the positive array
unsigned int negativeArraySize () const
returns the number of elements for the negative array
void glSet (void) const
display discrete line in an OpenGL window


ImageLine (double max = 0.0, bool (ImageLine::*stop)(ImageVoxel *, Voxel&) = &ImageLine::stopFromDistance)
initialize a new line with stopFromDistance default stop method
virtual ~ImageLine ()
destroys any line voxel

Protected Fields

Inrimage* inr
image from which this line is extracted
Vec3 origin
line starting point in euclidian coordinates
Vec3 direction
line direction vector
double maxDistance
maximal line segment length
ImageVoxel* startvoxel
line starting voxel
std::vector <ImageVoxel *> positive
line voxels in direction
std::vector <ImageVoxel *> negative
line voxels in -direction

Protected Methods

bool(ImageLine::*stopMethod) (ImageVoxel *voxel, Voxel&)
pointer to stop condition
void clear (void)
destroys all line voxels


voxels line descriptor
Inrimage* inr
image from which this line is extracted

Vec3 origin
line starting point in euclidian coordinates

Vec3 direction
line direction vector

double maxDistance
maximal line segment length

ImageVoxel* startvoxel
line starting voxel

std::vector <ImageVoxel *> positive
line voxels in direction

std::vector <ImageVoxel *> negative
line voxels in -direction

bool (ImageLine::*stopMethod)(ImageVoxel *voxel, Voxel&)
pointer to stop condition

void clear(void)
destroys all line voxels


ImageLine(double max = 0.0, bool (ImageLine::*stop)(ImageVoxel *, Voxel&) = &ImageLine::stopFromDistance)
initialize a new line with stopFromDistance default stop method
max - maximal line segment length
stop - method used


virtual ~ImageLine()
destroys any line voxel

enum SIDE
segment or half segment direction

half segment in direction

half segment in -direction

complete segment

ImageVoxel* operator[](int i) const
get line voxel operator
desired voxel or 0 if voxel index exceed segment length
i - voxel index (0 for line starting point, > 0 for voxels in direction and < 0 for voxels in -direction

ImageVoxel* getVoxel(int i) const
return a voxel given its index
desired voxel or 0 if voxel index exceed segment length
i - voxel index (0 for line starting point, > 0 for voxels in direction and < 0 for voxels in -direction

void compute(double distance, const Vec3& org, const Vec3& dir, SIDE side = BOTH)
compute new line with given origin and direction
distance - the maximum distance along the line to search for the optimal voxel
org - line origin in euclidian coordinates
dir - line direction vector
side - full or half segment computation flag

bool stopFromDistance(ImageVoxel *voxel, Voxel& iv)
default stop computation method: stops line segment computation when current voxel distance from origin exceeds maxDistance
int - last computed voxel index
iv - an image type voxel for any use in stop

virtual void start(Voxel& voxel)
callback procedure called when first line voxel is set
voxel - an image type voxel for any use in start

void setIntensity(Inrimage *_inr)
sets the new image intensity

const Vec3 & getOrigin(void) const
returns line origin

const Vec3 & getDirection(void) const
returns line direction

double getMaxDistance(void) const
returns max line length

void setMaxDistance(double max)
set max line length
max - new line lenght

unsigned int positiveArraySize() const
returns the number of elements for the positive array

unsigned int negativeArraySize() const
returns the number of elements for the negative array

void glSet(void) const
display discrete line in an OpenGL window

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling