In file imagedata/ImageLine.h:

class ImageVoxel

one voxel descriptor


Public Methods

unsigned int getX (void) const
returns voxel X coordinate (voxel column)
unsigned int getY (void) const
returns voxel Y coordinate (voxel row)
unsigned int getZ (void) const
returns voxel Z coordinate (voxel plane)
double getDistance (void) const
returns voxel distance to origin
double getValue (void) const
returns voxel value
Vec3 getVoxelPosition (void) const
returns voxel position
const Vec3 & getPosition (void) const
returns sub-voxel position
void setValue (const double val)
set the value of the voxel


ImageVoxel (int *pos, const Vec3& subpos, double value, double distance, unsigned int index)
builds this voxel
~ImageVoxel ()

Protected Fields

unsigned int vpos [3]
voxel coordinates
Vec3 spos
subvoxel coordinates (in cartesian space)
double value
voxel value converted to a double
double distance
distance from line origin
unsigned int index


one voxel descriptor
unsigned int vpos[3]
voxel coordinates

Vec3 spos
subvoxel coordinates (in cartesian space)

double value
voxel value converted to a double

double distance
distance from line origin

unsigned int index


ImageVoxel(int *pos, const Vec3& subpos, double value, double distance, unsigned int index)
builds this voxel
pos - 3 dimensional array giving voxel coordinates (each coordinate should be >= 0)
subpos - cartesian coordinate of sub-voxel point
value - voxel value (converted to a double)
distance - voxel distance from line origin
index - the index of the voxel in the image line



unsigned int getX(void) const
returns voxel X coordinate (voxel column)

unsigned int getY(void) const
returns voxel Y coordinate (voxel row)

unsigned int getZ(void) const
returns voxel Z coordinate (voxel plane)

double getDistance(void) const
returns voxel distance to origin

double getValue(void) const
returns voxel value

Vec3 getVoxelPosition(void) const
returns voxel position

const Vec3 & getPosition(void) const
returns sub-voxel position

void setValue(const double val)
set the value of the voxel

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling