In file graphics3D/UserInterface3D.h:

class LaparoscopicInterface3D : public UserInterface3D, public Pointed <LaparoscopicInterface3D>

3D laparoscopic Interface that correspond to a specific user interface


Public Classes

enum SurgicalToolType
the different types of surgical tools that can be simulated with the LIE

Public Methods

virtual Vec3 getTranslation () const
returns the translation applied on all coordinates
virtual void setTranslation (const Vec3 &t)
sets the translation applied on all coordinates
virtual Rotation3D getRotation () const
returns the translation applied on all coordinates
virtual void setRotation (const Rotation3D &r)
sets the rotation applied on all coordinates
SurgicalToolType getSurgicalToolType () const
returns the type of surgical tool simulated by the LIE
virtual double getLength () const
returns the scale factor applied on all coordinates
virtual double getGripperLength () const
returns the gripper length
virtual double getGripperWidth () const
returns the gripper width
virtual double getLIEradius () const
returns the radius of the cylinder defining the LIE main body
virtual double getForceScale () const
returns the scale factor applied on all force vectors
virtual void setLength (const double &s)
sets the LIE tool length
virtual void setLIEradius (const double &s)
sets the LIE tool LIEradius
virtual void setGripperLength (const double &s)
sets the gripper length
virtual void setGripperWidth (const double &s)
sets the gripper width
virtual void setForceScale (const double &s)
sets the scale applied on all force vectors
virtual void setSurgicalToolType (const SurgicalToolType st)
returns the type of surgical tool simulated by the LIE
virtual void setForce (const Vec3 &f)
send a force to the LIE device
virtual Vec3 getFixedPoint ()
returns the fixed point of the laparoscopic device
virtual double getAxisAngle ()
returns the angle of rotation of the gripper along the tool axis
virtual Vec3 getEndPoint ()
returns the end point of the laparoscopic device
virtual Vec3 getGripperAxis ()
get the gripper axis
virtual int getDeviceNumber () const
returns the number ID of the laparoscopic device
virtual double getGripperAngle ()
returns the angle of the gripper in radian unit (0 = closed)
virtual bool isGripperOpened ()
test is the gripper at the tip of the laparoscopic device is opened or closed


LaparoscopicInterface3D (Scene3D *scene, double l=1.0, double r=-1, double gl=-1, double gw=-1)
builds a new Laparoscopic Interface
virtual ~LaparoscopicInterface3D ()

Protected Fields

SurgicalToolType toolType
the type of surgical instrument simulated by the LIE
Rotation3D rotation
the rotation to apply on all coordinates
Vec3 translation
the translation to apply on all coordinates
double length
scale factor to apply on all coordinates
double LIEradius
radius of the cylinder defining the LIE
double forceScale
scale factor to apply on all force vectors
double gripperLength
the gripper length
double gripperWidth
the gripper width

Inherited from UserInterface3D:


3D laparoscopic Interface that correspond to a specific user interface. It provides a member fonction to get the fixed point of the device have an "getPosition" and "setForce" routines that are suitable for interaction with a Scene2D
enum SurgicalToolType
the different types of surgical tools that can be simulated with the LIE

SurgicalToolType toolType
the type of surgical instrument simulated by the LIE

Rotation3D rotation
the rotation to apply on all coordinates

Vec3 translation
the translation to apply on all coordinates

double length
scale factor to apply on all coordinates

double LIEradius
radius of the cylinder defining the LIE

double forceScale
scale factor to apply on all force vectors

double gripperLength
the gripper length

double gripperWidth
the gripper width


LaparoscopicInterface3D(Scene3D *scene, double l=1.0, double r=-1, double gl=-1, double gw=-1)
builds a new Laparoscopic Interface
scene - scene where the laparoscopic interface object should be added (if scene is 0, the first existing scene is used or a scene is created== 0)
l - the tool length
r - the tool LIEradius
gl - the gripper length
gw - the gripper width


virtual ~LaparoscopicInterface3D()

virtual Vec3 getTranslation() const
returns the translation applied on all coordinates

virtual void setTranslation(const Vec3 &t)
sets the translation applied on all coordinates

virtual Rotation3D getRotation() const
returns the translation applied on all coordinates

virtual void setRotation(const Rotation3D &r)
sets the rotation applied on all coordinates

SurgicalToolType getSurgicalToolType() const
returns the type of surgical tool simulated by the LIE

virtual double getLength() const
returns the scale factor applied on all coordinates

virtual double getGripperLength() const
returns the gripper length

virtual double getGripperWidth() const
returns the gripper width

virtual double getLIEradius() const
returns the radius of the cylinder defining the LIE main body

virtual double getForceScale() const
returns the scale factor applied on all force vectors

virtual void setLength(const double &s)
sets the LIE tool length

virtual void setLIEradius(const double &s)
sets the LIE tool LIEradius

virtual void setGripperLength(const double &s)
sets the gripper length

virtual void setGripperWidth(const double &s)
sets the gripper width

virtual void setForceScale(const double &s)
sets the scale applied on all force vectors

virtual void setSurgicalToolType(const SurgicalToolType st)
returns the type of surgical tool simulated by the LIE

virtual void setForce(const Vec3 &f)
send a force to the LIE device

virtual Vec3 getFixedPoint()
returns the fixed point of the laparoscopic device

virtual double getAxisAngle()
returns the angle of rotation of the gripper along the tool axis

virtual Vec3 getEndPoint()
returns the end point of the laparoscopic device

virtual Vec3 getGripperAxis()
get the gripper axis

virtual int getDeviceNumber() const
returns the number ID of the laparoscopic device

virtual double getGripperAngle()
returns the angle of the gripper in radian unit (0 = closed)

virtual bool isGripperOpened()
test is the gripper at the tip of the laparoscopic device is opened or closed

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling