In file graphics3D/ClippingPlane.h:

class ClippingPlane : public Plane

an OpenGL clipping plane


Public Methods

void enable (void)
enable (use) clipping plane
void disable (void)
disable clipping plane
GLenum getIndex (void) const
returns OpenGL clipping plane index
bool isActive (void) const
returns clipping plane active flag
virtual void setEquation (const double *eqn)
set new plane equation: eqn[0] x + eqn[1] y + eqn[2] z = 0
virtual void setEquation (const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
set new plane equation for plane passing through P with normal n
virtual void translate (const Vec3& t)
translates plane in space
virtual void rotate (const Rotation3D& r)
rotates plane in space
virtual void rotate (const Rotation3D& r, const Vec3& P)
rotates plane in space around one point
void putInCamera (void) const
enables clipping plane when camera request it


ClippingPlane (CameraOGL *cam)
construct a new clipping plane passing through scene center and orthogonal to (0, 0, 1)
ClippingPlane (CameraOGL *cam, const GLdouble *equation)
construct a new clipping plane with plane equation equation[0] x + equation[1] y + equation[2] z + equation[3] = 0
ClippingPlane (CameraOGL *cam, const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
construct a new clipping plane with passing through P and orthogonal to n

Protected Fields

CameraOGL* cam
camera owning this clipping plane
GLenum index
OpenGL clipping plane id
bool active
is plane active

Inherited from Plane:

Public Methods

const double* getEquation(void) const
Vec3 getPoint(void) const
Vec3 getPoint(const Vec3 &P) const
Vec3 getNormal(void) const

Protected Fields

double equation[4]


an OpenGL clipping plane
CameraOGL* cam
camera owning this clipping plane

GLenum index
OpenGL clipping plane id

bool active
is plane active


ClippingPlane(CameraOGL *cam)
construct a new clipping plane passing through scene center and orthogonal to (0, 0, 1)
cam - camera to apply clipping plane in

ClippingPlane(CameraOGL *cam, const GLdouble *equation)
construct a new clipping plane with plane equation equation[0] x + equation[1] y + equation[2] z + equation[3] = 0
cam - camera to apply clipping plane in
equation - four plane equation coefficients

ClippingPlane(CameraOGL *cam, const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
construct a new clipping plane with passing through P and orthogonal to n
cam - camera to apply clipping plane in
P - one clipping plane point
n - clipping plane normal


void enable(void)
enable (use) clipping plane

void disable(void)
disable clipping plane

GLenum getIndex(void) const
returns OpenGL clipping plane index

bool isActive(void) const
returns clipping plane active flag

virtual void setEquation(const double *eqn)
set new plane equation: eqn[0] x + eqn[1] y + eqn[2] z = 0
eqn - plane equation

virtual void setEquation(const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
set new plane equation for plane passing through P with normal n
P - one plane point
n - plane normal

virtual void translate(const Vec3& t)
translates plane in space
t - translation vector

virtual void rotate(const Rotation3D& r)
rotates plane in space
r - rotation matrix

virtual void rotate(const Rotation3D& r, const Vec3& P)
rotates plane in space around one point
r - rotation matrix
P - rotation center

void putInCamera(void) const
enables clipping plane when camera request it

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling