In file graphics3D/TclClippingPlane.h:

namespace yav class TclClippingPlane : public ClippingPlane, public TclObject

TCL interface for a clipping plane


Public Methods

int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option
int activeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-active option
int translateCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-translate option
int swapCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-swap option
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback


TclClippingPlane (TclModule *m, CameraOGL *cam)
construct a new clipping plane passing through scene center and orthogonal to (0, 0, 1)
TclClippingPlane (TclModule *m, CameraOGL *cam, const GLdouble *equation)
construct a new clipping plane with plane equation equation[0] x + equation[1] y + equation[2] z + equation[3] = 0
TclClippingPlane (TclModule *m, CameraOGL *cam, const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
construct a new clipping plane with passing through P and orthogonal to n

Inherited from ClippingPlane:

Public Methods

void enable(void)
void disable(void)
GLenum getIndex(void) const
bool isActive(void) const
virtual void setEquation(const double *eqn)
virtual void setEquation(const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
virtual void translate(const Vec3& t)
virtual void rotate(const Rotation3D& r)
virtual void rotate(const Rotation3D& r, const Vec3& P)
void putInCamera(void) const

Protected Fields

CameraOGL* cam
GLenum index
bool active

Inherited from Plane:

Public Methods

const double* getEquation(void) const
Vec3 getPoint(void) const
Vec3 getPoint(const Vec3 &P) const
Vec3 getNormal(void) const

Protected Fields

double equation[4]


TCL interface for a clipping plane

TclClippingPlane(TclModule *m, CameraOGL *cam)
construct a new clipping plane passing through scene center and orthogonal to (0, 0, 1)
m - module to create TCL object
cam - camera to apply clipping plane in

TclClippingPlane(TclModule *m, CameraOGL *cam, const GLdouble *equation)
construct a new clipping plane with plane equation equation[0] x + equation[1] y + equation[2] z + equation[3] = 0
m - module to create TCL object
cam - camera to apply clipping plane in
equation - four plane equation coefficients

TclClippingPlane(TclModule *m, CameraOGL *cam, const Vec3& P, const Vec3& n)
construct a new clipping plane with passing through P and orthogonal to n
m - module to create TCL object
cam - camera to apply clipping plane in
P - one clipping plane point
n - clipping plane normal


int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy option

int activeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-active option

int translateCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-translate option

int swapCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-swap option

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
new TCL command callback

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling