transformation color grid lateral 3D Imaging and Paleontology transformation color grid lateral

  • The Middle Pleistocene Homo erectus/Homo sapiens Transition: New Evidence from Space Curve Statistics D.Dean. Ph.D. thesis, The City University of New York, 1993.
  • A Fully Three-Dimensional Method for Facial Reconstruction Based on Deformable Models. G. Quatrehomme, S. Cotin, G. Subsol, H. Delingette, Y. Garidel, G. Grevin, M. Fidrich, P. Bailet, A. Ollier. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 42(4):649-652, July 1997.
  • Construction automatique d'atlas anatomiques morphométriques à partir d'images médicales tridimensionnelles. G. Subsol. Ph.D. thesis, École Centrale Paris, December 1995. In French. Electronic version:

Denis Meline