Working with Selections : Selection Multiple
Step by Step
Import the usual figue packages.
import figue.*;
import figue.box.*;
import figue.path.*;
import figue.resource.* |
Import the selection package.
import figue.selection.*; |
Define a selection.
try {
_facade.doGetSelection("current selection",
"green"); |
Create a modification path.
PathInterface thePath = new Path();
PathInterface theNextPath = new Path(0);
PathInterface theFinalPath = new Path(_counter++ * 2); |
Add the selection to the path.
new ExtendSelection(theSelection)); |
Apply the path to the facade.
_facade.updateSelectionAndRedisplay(thePath); |
- Accelerators :
- home, end, page up, page down, left arrow,right arrow, up arrow, down arrow.
- Autoscrolling :
- drag the mouse inside the
text area, approach a border or a corner, and wait.
- Actions :
- extend progressively the selection with the extend button.
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and Methods
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