*Figue *Help


* Menus

Go thereLinks to another major section
HereThe current section

* Tips and Tricks

TIPSome tip
Some pitfall

* Navigational Cues

OutLinkLinks to a different Web site
Scroll UpLinks to another place further up on the same page
Scroll DownLinks to another place further down on the same page
Class/MethodLinks to the java application programming interface

* Multimedia Cues

PictureLinks to a standalone image or a page dominated by a large graphic
SoundDownloads and plays a digital sound file
MovieDownloads and plays a movie file
Virtual Reality3D movie glasses connect you to a VRML site or QTVR file

* Page Type Cues

Fill-Out FormLinks to a page with an interactive fill-out form
Email LinkPops up a standard mailto: email dialog box
SearchLinks to a search page
Secure PageLinks to a secured or password-protected page
ListLinks to a page that is entirely composed of links to other pages
NoteLinks to a short, explanatory page that contains no further links
HelpLinks to helpful instructions or information

* Net Services Cues

Downloadable FileLinks to an FTP archive and begins to download a file to your disk drive
FTP DirectoryLinks to an FTP directory from which you can select a file to download
TelnetLinks to a Telnet site
NewsLinks to a News site
Text OnlyLinks to unformatted plain text, such as a Gopher site

* Other Markers

New Marker
Updated Marker
Smiley replacement. For the especially nostalgic,
a sideways smiley is also included. :-)

* Dummy Link for QBullets

Many of the QBullet links in this section are just dummy links pointed to this page. Their only function is to show you what QBullets look like next to hypertext links. Click the back arrow of your browser to return to the place you came from.

*Figue *Help

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Need some help?
Copyright ©1998 INRIA
Last updated 3 November 1998 by Bruno Conductier