Software FIGUE (c) INRIA 1998 in its 1 version of the 31/07/1998, hereinafter referred
The SOFTWARE has been designed and produced by Bruno CONDUCTIER, Laurent HASCOET, Laurent THERY, researchers of
the project CROAP, a research project of the National Computer and Automatics
Institute (INRIA).
Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
INRIA holds all the patent rights concerning the SOFTWARE
The SOFTWARE has been registered at the Agency for the Protection of
Programmes (APP) under the number
The SOFTWARE is currently being developed and INRIA wishes for it to be
used by the scientific world so as to test, evaluate and continually update
To this end, INRIA has decided to distribute the prototype of the SOFTWARE
by FIP in a source form.
a) Extent of the rights granted by INRIA to the user of the SOFTWARE-
INRIA freely grants the right to use, modify and integrate the SOFTWARE in
another programe.
b) Reproduction of the SOFTWARE-
Clauses 9 and 10 of the Berne agreement for the protection of literary
and artistic works (Union of Berne) respectively specify in their
paragraphs 2 and 3 authorizing only the reproduction and quoting of works
on the condition that :
- "this reproduction does not adversely affect the normal
exploitation of the work or cause any unjustified prejudice to the
legitimate interests of the author"
- that the quotations given by way of illustration and/or tuition
conform to the proper uses and that it mentions the source and name of the
author if this name features in the source",
any use or reproduction of the software items and/or documents exclusively
owned by INRIA and carried out to obtain profit or for commercial ends
being subject to obtaining the prior express authorization of INRIA.
Any commercial use made without obtaining the prior express agreement of
the INRIA would therefore constitute a fraudulent imitation.
c) Return of information-
Any user of the SOFTWARE shall send his comments on the use of the SOFTWARE
to INRIA at (Figue@sophia.inria.fr).
d) Guarantees-
Note that the SOFTWARE is a research product currently being developed.
INRIA disclaims any responsibility in any way in any
instance of being obliged to put right any possible direct or indirect
damage sustained by the user.