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Conclusions on MedINRIA

MedINRIA is a software that provides a lot of features concerning medical image analysis, especially for DTI analysis and fiber tracking, but also some extra tools for tensor visualization and fMRI studies. A simple image viewer is provided with the possibility to import directly DICOM exams. In this report we have explained the different modules purposes and functionalities. We presented step by step how to use this software, trying to be as clear as possible. For any question about MedINRIA or any bug to report please refer to the developers. The software is available at

In this software we used robust method created by Asclepios team, the Log-Euclidian Metrics (protected by a french patent, n. 0503483). We developped the software in C++, using specialized libraries such as Insigth ToolKit, or ITK (, Visualization ToolKit, or VTK (, and wxwidgets (

Nicolas Toussaint 2007-06-22