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Registration Tool Module

Figure: The RegistrationTool main window. shown here during the rigid registration process between different MR modalities of a single patient.
Image registrationtool

RegistrationTool is dedicated to image registration. Among all image processing algorithms, registration remains a common yet challenging pre-processing step before doing statistical analysis, group comparisons or atlas formation. This application provides a simple interface for several kinds of registration. It takes two images as input, the ``fixed image'' and the ``moving image'', and offers up to now three ways of registering them:

Image perform Image reset The user simply has to choose his desired registration method - possibly set some parameters - and press the ``Perform'' button. For user convenience a ``Reset'' button allows the user to cancel all previous registration and go back to the initial state.

One of the most challenging goals in this type of tool is to provide an intuitive way of performing registration as well as an easy manner in the evaluation of the results' accuracy. In RegistrationTool an effort has been made in this direction. As shown in Fig. 5.1 the user interface integrates separated tabs for each of the input images. Each tab can be divided once more in three showing respectivelly the axial, the coronal and the sagittal view of the 3D volumic image, following the radiological conventions. Fixed and moving images can be synchronized one to the other to evaluate their degree of geometry difference. A full screen mode allows to have a complete freedom in terms of visualization.

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Nicolas Toussaint 2007-06-22