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Tensor/Image visualization

The Tensor Viewer Module also allows you to visualize your DWI images while visualizing the tensor field. For that you can open a volume by pressing the ``open volume'' button in the toolbar (see Fig. 4.3). The volume has to be a DWI corresponding to the estimated tensor field or any volume that has the same geometry as the DWI. You can control the contrast and brightness with the sliders.

Figure 4.3: This figure shows how to visualize a volume while visualizing a tensor field. The volume has to be a DWI coreesponding to the tensor field (or the B0 image). for geometry compatibility. You can open a volume by pressing the ``Open Volume'' button in the toolbar. The sliders shown on the panel on the left control the contrast and brightness of the volume.
Image tensorvisuimage1 Image tensorvisuimage2

Nicolas Toussaint 2007-06-22