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Image reorientation tool

Figure 2.5: The Reorientation Tool main window.
Image reorientationtool

This tool helps the user to manually re-orientate the image if this one doesn't match the radiologoc conventions correctly. The 3 views correspond respectively to the axial view, the coronal view and the sagittal view of the image.

If the image has been acquired in another direction than axial, you can switch the acquisition orientation flag in the check box. If the image is still flipped over an axis, you can use switch the flipping flags for the three directions. I-S corresponds to Inferior-Superior direction, R-L to Right-Left, and A-P to Anterior-Posterior.

Once the image meets correctly the conventions, you may want to save it in this orientation by clicking ``save''.The image will be saved in ITK analyze format (.hdr - .img) if no extention is given.

Nicolas Toussaint 2007-06-22