Publications of year 1994


  1. S. Benayoun. Calcul local du mouvement, applications à l'imagerie médicale multidimensionnelle. Thèse de sciences, Université Paris IX Dauphine, December 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  2. H. Delingette. Modélisation, Déformation et Reconnaissance d'objets tridimensionnels a l'aide de maillages simplexes. Thèse de sciences, Ecole Centrale de Paris, July 1994. Keyword(s): thesis, reconstruction, recognition. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Chahab Nastar. Modèles physiques déformables et modes vibratoires pour l'analyse du mouvement non-rigide dans les images multidimensionnelles. Thèse de sciences, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Juillet 1994. Keyword(s): motion tracking, deformations. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. G. Bertrand and G. Malandain. A new characterization of three-dimensional simple points. Pattern Recognition Letters, 15(2):169-175, February 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  2. A. Guéziec and N. Ayache. Smoothing and Matching of 3-D Space Curves. International Journal of Computer Vision, 12(1):79-104, January 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  3. G. Malandain, S. Fernández-Vidal, and J.-M. Rocchisani. Mise en correspondance d'objets 3D par une approche mécanique : application aux images médicales multimodales. Traitement du signal, 11(6):541-558, 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  4. J.-P. Thirion. Direct Extraction of Boundaries from Computed Tomography Scans. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 13(2):322-328, June 1994. [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. S. Benayoun, N. Ayache, and I. Cohen. Mouvement de structures 2D déformables : Utilisation de caractéristiques géométriques différentielles. In AFCET'94, 9ème Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, Janvier 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  2. H. Delingette. Adaptive and Deformable models based on Simplex Meshes. In IEEE Workshop of Non-Rigid and Articulated Objects, Austin, Texas, November 1994. Keyword(s): workshop, reconstruction. [bibtex-entry]

  3. H. Delingette. Intrinsic Stabilizers of planar curves. In 3rd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'94), Stockholm, Sweden, June 1994. Keyword(s): conference, regularization. [bibtex-entry]

  4. H. Delingette. Simplex Meshes: a General Representation for 3D Shape Reconstruction. In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'94), Seattle, USA, pages 856-857, June 1994. Keyword(s): conference, reconstruction. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Hervé Delingette, Gérard Subsol, Stéphane Cotin, and Jérôme Pignon. A Craniofacial Surgery Simulation Testbed. In Visualization in Biomedical Computing (VBC'94), pages 607-618, octobre 1994. Keyword(s): conference, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  6. H. Delingette, G. Subsol, S. Cotin, and J. Pignon. Simulation de chirurgie craniofaciale et realite virtuelle. In Interface des Mondes Reels et Virtuels (IMRV'94), Montpellier, pages 399-408, January 1994. Keyword(s): workshop, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  7. J. Feldmar and N. Ayache. Locally Affine Registration of Free-Form Surfaces. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'94), Seattle, USA, pages 496-501, June 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  8. Alexis Gourdon and Nicholas Ayache. Recalage d'une courbe sur une surface en utilisant des propriétés différentielles. In AFCET'94, 9ème Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, Janvier 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  9. I. L. Herlin, D. Béréziat, G. Giraudon, C. Nguyen, and C. Graffigne. Segmentation of echocardiographic images with Markov random fields. In Third European Conference on Computer Vision, May 2-6 1994. Note: Stockholm, Sweden. [bibtex-entry]

  10. K. Higuchi, H. Delingette, M. Hébert, and K. Ikeuchi. Merging multiple views using a spherical representation. In Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Workshop on CAD-based Vision, Pittsburgh, PA, 1994. Keyword(s): workshop, reconstruction. [bibtex-entry]

  11. G. Malandain, S. Fernández-Vidal, and J.-M. Rocchisani. Improving Registration of 3-D Medical Images Using a Mechanical Based Method. In 3rd European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'94), volume 801 of LNCS, Stockholm, Sweden, pages 131-136, May 2--6 1994. Springer. [bibtex-entry]

  12. G. Malandain, S. Fernández-Vidal, and J.-M. Rocchisani. Rigid Registration of 3-D Objects by Motion Analysis. In 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'94), Jérusalem, Israël, pages 579-581, October 9--13 1994. IAPR. [bibtex-entry]

  13. Chahab Nastar and Nicholas Ayache. Classification of Non-rigid Motion in 3D Images using Physics-Based Vibration Analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis, Seattle, June 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  14. Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache. An ${{\cal O}}(n^2)$ Algorithm for 3D Substructure Matching of Proteins. In A. Califano, I. Rigoutsos, and H.J. Wolson, editors, Shape and Pattern Matching in Computational Biology -- Proc. First Int. Workshop, Seattle, Wash, June 20, 1994, pages 25-40, 1994. Plenum Publishing. Note: Published in Bioinformatics 14(6), 1998, p. 516-522. Keyword(s): registration, matching, protein structure. [bibtex-entry]

  15. Gérard Subsol, Jean-Philippe Thirion, and Nicholas Ayache. Non-Rigid Registration for Building 3D Anatomical Atlases. In The 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem (Israel), October 1994. IAPR. Keyword(s): registration, matching, atlas, deformations. [bibtex-entry]

  16. Gérard Subsol, Jean-Philippe Thirion, and Nicholas Ayache. Steps Towards Automatic Building of Anatomical Atlases. In Visualization in Biomedical Computing '94, October 1994. Keyword(s): atlas. [bibtex-entry]

  17. J.-P. Thirion. Extremal Points : definition and application to 3D image registration. In IEEE conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Seattle, June 1994. Keyword(s): registration, matching. [bibtex-entry]

  18. J.-P. Thirion. Geometric Modeling and 3D Medical Images. In France-Israel computer graphics and geometric modeling workshop, Herzliya, Israel, December 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  19. J.-P. Thirion. Steps toward the automatic labeling of 3D medical images. In AAAI symposium: Application of Computer Vision in Medical Image Processing, Stanford, pages 18-21, March 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  20. J.-P. Thirion. The Extremal Mesh and the Understanding of 3D Surfaces. In IEEE Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis, Seattle, June 1994. [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports

  1. H. Delingette. Simplex Meshes: a General Representation for 3D Shape Reconstruction. Research report RR-2214, INRIA, March 1994. Keyword(s): tech-report, reconstruction. [bibtex-entry]

  2. H. Delingette, G. Subsol, S. Cotin, and J. Pignon. A Craniofacial Surgery Testbed. Research report RR-2199, I.N.R.I.A., Sophia-Antipolis, France, February 1994. Keyword(s): tech-report, simulation. [bibtex-entry]

  3. J. Feldmar, N. Ayache, and F. Betting. 3D-2D projective registration of free-form curves and surfaces. Research report RR-2434, INRIA, December 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  4. I. L. Herlin, D. Béréziat, G. Giraudon, C. Nguyen, and C. Graffigne. Comparison of different Markov random fields model for segmenting echocardiographic images. Research report, INRIA, 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  5. O. Monga, R. Lengagne, and R. Deriche. Extraction of the zero-crossing of the curvature derivative in volumic 3D medical images : a multi-scale approach. Research report, INRIA, Juin 1994. [bibtex-entry]

  6. Xavier Pennec and Nicholas Ayache. An ${{\cal O}}(n^2)$ Algorithm for 3D Substructure Matching of Proteins. Research report RR-2274, INRIA, May 1994. Note: Published in Bioinformatics 14(6), 1998, p. 516-522. Keyword(s): registration, matching, protein structure. [bibtex-entry]


  1. N. Ayache, E. Bardinet, S. Benayoun, I. Cohen, L.D. Cohen, H. Delingette, J. Feldmar, C. Nastar, G. Subsol, and J.-P. Thirion. Non Rigid Motion (Tracking, Analysis and Simulation). Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel, 1994. Keyword(s): video, reconstruction. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Jean-Philippe Thirion. Fully automatic registration multiple sclerosis study. Audiovisual material produced by INRIA audiovisuel, 1994. Keyword(s): video. [bibtex-entry]



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