Publications of Riccardo Taiello
Riccardo Taiello.
Privacy-preserving machine learning for large-scale collaborative healthcare data analysis.
Université Côte d'Azur,
September 2024.
Keyword(s): Security and privacy,
Privacy enhancing technologies,
Federate learning,
Sécurité et confidentialité,
Technologies de renforcement de la confidentialité,
Apprentissage fédéré.
Riccardo Taiello,
Melek Önen,
Clémentine Gritti,
and Marco Lorenzi.
Let Them Drop: Scalable and Efficient Federated Learning Solutions Agnostic to Stragglers.
In ARES 2024 - 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security,
number 13 of ARES '24: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security,
Vienna, Austria,
pages 1-12,
July 2024.
Keyword(s): Attribute-Based Encryption,
Time-based Access Control,
Direct Revocation,
Internet of Things,
preserving protocols,
Security protocols,
Synchronous and Asynchronous Federated Learning,
Secure Aggregation,
Role authorities,
Time authority,
Sensors Actuator Proxy.
Riccardo Taiello,
Melek Önen,
Olivier Humbert,
and Marco Lorenzi.
Privacy Preserving Image Registration.
In MICCAI 2022 - Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,
Singapore, Singapore,
September 2022.
Keyword(s): Image Registration,
Privacy enhancing technologies,
Francesco Cremonesi,
Marc Vesin,
Sergen Cansiz,
Yannick Bouillard,
Irene Balelli,
Lucia Innocenti,
Santiago Silva,
Samy-Safwan Ayed,
Riccardo Taiello,
Laetita Kameni,
Richard Vidal,
Fanny Orlhac,
Christophe Nioche,
Nathan Lapel,
Bastien Houis,
Romain Modzelewski,
Olivier Humbert,
Melek Önen,
and Marco Lorenzi.
Fed-BioMed: Open, Transparent and Trusted Federated Learning for Real-world Healthcare Applications.
Note: Working paper or preprint,
April 2023.
Keyword(s): Machine learning,
Biomedical Application,
Federated Learning Framework.
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Last modified: Mon Dec 30 12:30:03 2024
Author: epione-publi.
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