Publications of Jairo Rodrìguez-Padilla
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Jairo Rodrìguez-Padilla,
Argyrios Petras,
Julie Magat,
Jason Bayer,
Yann Bihan-Poudec,
Dounia El Hamrani,
Girish Ramlugun,
Aurel Neic,
Christoph Augustin,
Fanny Vaillant,
Marion Constantin,
David Benoist,
Line Pourtau,
Virginie Dubes,
Julien Rogier,
Louis Labrousse,
Olivier Bernus,
Bruno Quesson,
Michel Haïssaguerre,
Matthias Gsell,
Gernot Plank,
Valéry Ozenne,
and Edward Vigmond.
Impact of intraventricular septal fiber orientation on cardiac electromechanical function.
AJP - Heart and Circulatory Physiology,
June 2022.
Keyword(s): diffusion tensor imaging,
electromechanical models,
fiber orientation,
intraventricular septum,
normal structural discontinuities.
Jairo Rodrìguez-Padilla,
Rafael Silva,
Buntheng Ly,
Mihaela Pop,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Personalisation of Action Potentials Based on Activation Recovery Intervals in Post Infarcted Pigs: A Simulation Study.
In IEEE Xplore,
volume 51,
Karlsruhe (Allemagne), Germany,
September 2024.
Keyword(s): Cardiac Modeling,
Partial Differential Equations,
Rafael Silva,
Jairo Rodrìguez-Padilla,
Mihaela Pop,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Automatic Analysis of Activation Recovery Interval in Heterogeneous Fibrotic Tissue from Chronically Infarcted Swine.
In Computing in Cardiology,
volume 51,
Karlsruhe, Germany,
September 2024.
Rafael Silva,
Jairo Rodrìguez-Padilla,
Mihaela Pop,
and Maxime Sermesant.
Activation Recovery Interval for Personalized Cardiac Assessment.
CinC 2024 - (&th international Computing in Cardiology,
September 2024.
Note: Poster.
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Last modified: Sun Mar 9 12:30:03 2025
Author: epione-publi.
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