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ANR Diamond

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Deconvolution of Augmented Images in Multi-Dimensional Optical Microscopy

plus Abstract :

The aim of this project is an exhaustive study (from signal to information) of two new optical imagery techniques: fluorescence-tomographic microscopy and confocal macroscopy. The development of more effective and user-friendly deconvolution strategies for biological and medical research will markedly help improving the quality of microscopic images and their interpretation. Such improvements will therefore contribute to a better understanding of the basic functions of living organisms. On the one hand, confocal macroscopes have been recently commercialized (by Leica) and have begun to be employed in biological imaging platforms - this kind of imagery systems allows practitioners to observe relatively large samples and to acquire data in three dimensions plus time (3D movies). On the other hand, tomographic diffractive microscope images, combined with fluorescence imagery techniques, provide quantitative information about the complex refractive indices of observed specimens. In a first phase, we will model the systems, consisting of samples conception (life cells, micro beads), image acquisition and PSF modelling (via measured and/or analytical models). Following this, we propose to design advanced image processing methods in order to restore observed images. We will use a refraction index map and the time dimension to improve the deconvolution in fluorescence-tomographic microscopy. Regarding confocal macroscopy, we will be taking advantage of recent methodological advances in the solution of inverse problems. Both blind and non-blind algorithmic approaches will be studied. The amount of data required for processing being relatively large, we shall pay attention to the performance of the proposed algorithms, through code optimization and parallel implementations. Result assessment will be achieved not only using numerical approaches for quantitative analysis but also qualitatively via visual evaluation by professional microscopists. Concerning valorisation, in addition to publications, some of the results will be made available as free softwares and the commercially valuable remainder will be negociated with interested manufacturers.

plus Active members :
Josiane Zerubia (PI) icone mail fiche publis
Laure Blanc-Féraud icone mail fiche publis

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