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The team ~ Marie Rochery Friday, October 11th 2024, 12:45

Marie Rochery

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Former PhD Student, MESR / UNSA

motcle Keywords : Active contours, Object extraction, Line networks, Roads
demos Demos : see this author's demos
plus Contact :

Mail :MariedotRocheryatinriadotfr
Phone :(33)4-92-38-78-63
Fax :(33)4-92-38-76-43
Postal adress :INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
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plus Abstract :

I am interested in ways of extracting objects from images, and particularly in the modelization of shape. I am working with quadratic active contours that allow the definition of interactions between different contour points and introduce in the model complex and more specific prior terms. This new kind of model is tested for the extraction of line networks (rivers, roads, ...) in aerial and satellite images.

plus Short Bio :

2002-2005 Thèse en traitement d'image dans le projet Ariana (INRIA/CNRS/UNSA).
2001-2002 DEA SIC Image-Vision (UNSA).
1998-2001 ENST Bretagne, Spécialisation dans les communications multimédia à l'Institut Eurécom.

plus Teaching :

TPs de traitement du signal et d'automatique et Encadrement d'un projet image de dernière année à l'ESINSA.

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Gap Closure.
M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 29(1): pages 1-20, September 2007.
Keywords : Gap closure, Higher-order, Active contour, Shape, Prior, Road network.
Higher Order Active Contours.
M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. International Journal of Computer Vision, 69(1): pages 27--42, August 2006.
Keywords : Active contour, Shape, Higher-order, Prior, Road network.
Phase field models and higher-order active contours.
M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Beijing, China, October 2005.
Keywords : Active contour, Higher-order, Shape, Line networks, Road network, Phase Field.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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