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The team ~ Marc Sigelle Saturday, July 27th 2024, 12:38

Marc Sigelle

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Former Collaborator, ENST

plus Contact :

Mail :marcdotsigelleatenstdotfr
Phone :(33)1-45-81-74-63
Fax :(33)1-45-81-71-44
Postal adress :ENST / TSI - 46, rue Barrault
75634 PARIS Cedex 13 - France
Webpage :visit !

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
GMRF Parameter Estimation in a non-stationary Framework by a Renormalization Technique: Application to Remote Sensing Imaging.
X. Descombes and M. Sigelle and F. Prêteux. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 8(4): pages 490-503, 1999.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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