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The team ~ Ahmed Gamal Eldin Saturday, February 15th 2025, 10:44

Ahmed Gamal Eldin

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PhD Student, ARIANA

motcle Keywords : Stochastic Geometry, Multiple object exctraction, Birth-and-death dynamics, Marked point process

plus Contact :

Mail :AhmeddotGamal_eldinatinriadotfr
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Postal adress :INRIA Sophia Antipolis
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06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
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plus Abstract :

Thesis title: Point process and graph cut applied to 2D and 3D object extraction

The accomplished work during the thesis can be presented in two parts:

The first part:
The aim of this part is to develop a novel approach for 3D object detection from a 2D image. This approach takes into consideration the occlusions and the perspective effects. This work has been embedded in a marked point process framework, proved to be efficient for solving many challenging problems dealing with high resolution images.

We propose a novel probabilistic approach to handle occlusions and perspective effects. The proposed method is based on 3D scene simulation on the GPU using OpenGL. It is an object based method embedded in a marked point process framework. We apply it for the size estimation of a penguin colony, where we model a penguin colony as an unknown number of 3D objects. The main idea of the proposed approach is to sample some candidate configurations consisting of 3D objects lying on the real plane. A Gibbs energy is define on the configuration space, which takes into account both prior and data information. The proposed configurations are projected onto the image plane, and the configurations are modified until convergence. To evaluate a proposed configuration, we measure the similarity between the projected image of the proposed configuration and the real image, by defining a data term and a prior term which penalize objects overlapping. We introduced modifications to the optimization algorithm to take into account new dependencies that exists in our 3D model.

The second part:
We propose a new optimization method which we call "Multiple Births and Cut" (MBC). It combines the recently developed optimization algorithm Multiple Births and Deaths (MBD) and the Graph-Cut. MBD and MBC optimization methods are applied for the optimization of a marked point process. We compared the MBC to the MBD algorithms showing that the main advantage of our newly proposed algorithm is the reduction of the number of parameters, the speed of convergence and the quality of the obtained results. We validated our algorithm on the counting problem of flamingos in a colony.

plus Short Bio :

2012: Postdoc at LEAR team, INRIA Rhône Alpes, France
2008 - 2011 PhD at Ariana team, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France
2007 - 2008 Masters in Image Processing and Computer Vision, ENSPS, University of Strasbourg, France
2004 - 2007 Masters of Electronics and Telecommunication, Egypt
2004 - 2007 Teacher assistant in faculty of engineering, UFE, Egypt
2003 : Unix System Administration certificat, Egypt
1997 - 2002 BSc. in Electronics and Telecommunication, Egypt

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
Processus ponctuels et algorithmes de coupure minimal de graphe appliqués à l'extraction d'objets 2D et 3D.
A. Gamal Eldin. PhD Thesis, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 2011.
Keywords : Multiple object detection, Multiple Birth and Cut, Graph Cut, Multiple Birth and Death, Marked point process, Stochastic geometry.
Extraction et caractérisation de régions saines et pathologiques à partir de micro-tomographie RX du système vasculaire cérébral.
X. Descombes and A. Gamal Eldin and F. Plouraboue and C. Fonta and S. Serduc and G. Le Duc and T. Weitkamp. In Proc. GRETSI Symposium on Signal and Image Processing, Bordeaux, France, September 2011.
A fast multiple birth and cut algorithm using belief propagation.
A. Gamal Eldin and X. Descombes and Charpiat G. and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, September 2011.
Keywords : Multiple Birth and Cut, multiple object extraction, Graph Cut, Belief Propagation.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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